The Media Murders, Chapter 5

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The bus jolts forwards as I'm awoken from my doze. My eyelids feel heavy as I force them open and reach for my bags and plushy as I realize I'm at my stop. As I walk past the rows and rows of chairs filled by old women and men, but they are all staring at their glowing phone screens with a mixture of concerned and unbothered looks. The same colored shining light reflects onto each and every one of their faces and I wonder what's so interesting that they must all be watching. Now that I remember, they did say to tune in for the 5 o clock news. I thank the driver before I leave. He gives me a half smile which I thought was weird, but when are people not giving me strange and judgmental looks? I'm surprised I'm not used to it by now. Parts of me wished I had normal skin, maybe I would be more liked and respected if I did. No, Mina, you have to love yourself, if not for yourself then for mum. Oh now I remember, I was going to invite Jirou over. Nevermind, we had a good time at the mall anyway.

Scratching sounds of the bus door cIosing drifts away from my hearing range when the driver realizes I'm the only person to get off here. The driver seemed quite desperate to get away, why? I walk up to my house and while I walk past windows of nearby homes, I see my neighbours covering their mouths at the TV screens, the same blue glow beaming across their faces. What is going on? I heard there's a change with the government or something, or maybe it's because the police stopped looking for Kiri and he's been found dead? I try not to think about that as I walk down the street, lets think of happy things. Lets think about our new friend group and the amazing day we had today. Lets think about Denki standing up to Mineta and putting him in his place. Lets think about the people at the sushi restaurant. Oh no, Denki crying at the sushi restaurant, about Kiri. Happy thoughts, happy thoughts.

I fumble around with my keys, dropping them on the floor as I make my way towards the front door. Peeping through the window as I scatter my hands around the pebbly floor, I see that shining light again. The blue, hypnotizing laser of blue light is in my living room. The key fits its way through the hole and cracks open the door. Warmth fills the air around me as I shut the door behind me and flip my hoes off. My school shoes are anything but comfortable so it's quite relieving to take them off after a long day. I open the living room door and see my Dad sitting on the sofa, looking at the news that seem to hold everyone's attention so well.

'Hi Dad!' I greet, going into the kitchen to take out my lunch and put it in the fridge. 'I didn't know you'd be home this early. How was work?'
'Good,' he says coldly, turning off the TV with rather hesitational movements.

I tip the water out my water bottle and put it in our cupboard, then join my Dad in the living room. His attitude doesn't shift as I approach him. Emotionless expressions are currently in control of all of his body movements. This isn't my Dad, I have to snap him out of this misery.

'Guess what I got!' I joke, shaking my broccoli in excitement. 'The broccoli I've been talking about non stop, I finally got it! I went out with Jirou after school and a few other new friends I've made today due to the half day, I wonder what that's all about.'
'That's wonderful, Mina,' he replies, with still no emotion or curiosity that would usually spark through him whenever I talk to him about my day.
'Is there something wrong?' I ask, my heart gradually beating louder in my head.
'There will be,' my dad answers, flicking the TV back on as some sort of reflex to my question. 'Watch.'

My smile starts to fade as I read the headline and hear what the presenter starts to say.

'A new law has been approved from the government which will change peoples lives across Japan. Children and teenagers all over the country have been kicked out to live on the streets or killed. New viewers, the law in question, is the removal of rights for the quirks. It is now legal for the quirkless to kill, assault, rob, harass, kidnap, or torture the people with quirks. All crimes are permitted for the quirkless against them. For the quirks, it is now illegal for them to attend work, attend school, travel on public transport or take a case to court. They may seek medical attention, but employees may refuse to attend the quirks if they deem that as appropriate or their decision. Why are the government doing this, I'm sure you are all wondering? Well, due to the safety of our prime citizens, the quirkless. We'd all hope to agree that we should always make sure they are safe in their country and they have all announced this is the only way to save our Japan. Since this law was announced at 16:30, 160 people with quirks have been killed. We will give a report tomorrow, Wednesday the 15th of January at 17:00. Goodnight, and may the quirks fade within you.'

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