Chapter 5. The Stolen Kiss.

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Larry was sitting at the kitchen island, warming his hands on a freshly brewed cup of coffee. He watched Laurent prepare breakfast. It so happened in their family that Laurent always cooked breakfast, he was an early riser and easily got up in the morning, so he could cook breakfast, sometimes pampering Larry, bringing him right to bed to his rabbit lying sleepily under a big fluffy blanket. They didn't often get to dine at home, but when they did, Larry cooked dinner, and dinner was on him too. In the last couple of years, they have almost stopped dining in public places, preferring the privacy and comfort of home. Especially when they moved into their first own house, which they created for 5 years.

They did not notice how it became their favorite morning routine: Laurent was preparing breakfast, and Larry sleepily cuddling with a cup of coffee looked at him.

But now something was wrong. Laurent didn't seem relaxed, he didn't hum to himself, he didn't look back at Larry, he fluttered around the kitchen, rather moving around habitually, as if on a machine. His eyebrows alternately frowned, then not, sometimes the corners of his lips twitched, but not in a sign of a smile, but rather trying to contain true emotions. Larry watched his husband anxiously, wondering if he should now interrupt breakfast and force Laurent to tell him what was on his mind. Or wait until breakfast is over. But everything was decided by itself when Laurent overcooked the bacon and did not even notice it, being too deep in his thoughts. He came to his senses when Larry turned off the stove and started throwing the coals out of the pan.

— Oh, I'm sorry. It seems I ruined our breakfast. — Laurent tried to look upset. Larry saw that Laurent wasn't as sorry as he tried to show.

— I don't care about breakfast. I'm concerned about you.

— Me? Why me?

— You're upset about something. And so much that you do not notice anything around, completely immersed in your feelings.

— Everything is fine.

— Baby, we've been married for almost 8 years. You can't fool me with those words and fake smiles. — Larry pulled Laurent onto the sofa in the living room. — Come on again. What's bothering you? — Laurent was silent for a while, obviously struggling with himself. But Larry is right, he can't lie to him, it didn't work in the first year of their marriage, and it won't work now.

— Those photos. — Laurent's voice was a little lost and seemed to break. It seemed to affect him more than he intended. — From the coffee shop. Not far from the label's studio where you went to the meeting.

— Are you talking about the photo with that stripper? Who bought me coffee and tried to flirt? You don't think I have something with her, do you? — Larry looked inquisitively into Laurent's eyes. Laurent shook his head.

— Of course, I believe you. You don't even have to ask.

— Then I do not understand...

— I didn't expect it to affect me so much. These paparazzi, like scavengers, are digging into our underwear, trying to provoke us, to destroy the beauty that exists between us. Sow your seed of discord and get a real sensation. These are photos and videos from the coffee shop, they are everywhere, in all social networks, magazines, newspapers, and television. In all the media, our marriage is inclined to all motives. I feel like I can't take it anymore.

— But why did it affect you so much? And it has happened before.

— Child. It's all about the baby we decided to have. So far, no one knows about this, neither our family nor friends. Just you and me and our adoption agent. But what happens when the child is with us? When will we become parents?

— Baby, you need to relax. — Larry moved closer to Laurent, hugging him. — We can handle all of this. We will address issues as they come up. We'll ignore Melissa. On Yanis. Do you know about Yanis? — Larry playfully raised an eyebrow, and Laurent, on the contrary, was embarrassed. — Of course, you knew about Yanis. And probably even before I noticed?

— Sorry. I was worried that you would overreact. And our friends seem to like it. And then I saw that you know about Yanis, and I liked the way you showed who I belonged to. We've had so much sex... mmm ... — Laurent laughed as he saw Larry's pouty face.

— Jerk

— Only your Jerk.

— That's for sure.

*Three weeks later*

This Friday evening Laurent, Larry, and their friends decided to spend at the club. They have not been going for a couple of weeks and some needed somewhere to put their evil energy. Friends looked at Larry and Laurent in bewilderment, who, it seems, for the first time in their marriage, was in a fairly large quarrel. They quarreled over a minor little thing, and now they don't even remember exactly what. But during the last two weeks, they had almost no time for each other. They only crossed paths for a couple of hours a day, sometimes even sleeping at home or spending nights at home, but separately. And perhaps that is what influenced their connection so much. But whatever the cause, the consequences were far worse than anyone could have imagined.

Larry spent most of the time dancing, pouring out his feelings in dance energy, while Laurent finished the third bottle of champagne, in his opinion, the inability to move normally from a large amount of alcohol allowed him to continue, albeit for no reason, to be angry with Larry and hold on away from him. Because if he were, at least a little soberer, they would have already rocked the cubicle of the nearest toilet in a passionate and evil sexual outburst.

Larry walked over to the bar, checking the time on his wristwatch. Well, yes, it's time for them to go home, it's almost 3 in the morning. Larry took out his phone, feeling the brief vibration of an incoming message. "Order strong coffee and a bottle of water. Laurent is drunk as hell. What did you do with it, dude? He hasn't been so drunk in almost 8 years!" Larry just rolled his eyes. Damn Roy, is always on Laurent's side, no matter what the hell he does. But Larry ordered both coffee and water. He had almost reached their corner sofa, which they always booked, when he saw Yanis kissing Laurent, who was completely drunk, reclining. In front of their friends and many other people. Larry saw how Laurent at the same moment frightened and quickly opens his eyes and pushes Yanis away, immediately catching Larry's dumbfounded look ...

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