The plane

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The next few days were a little awkward, Toto was trying to keep his distance but I didn't want that, I just wanted to slow down a bit. I tried to show him that but he stayed a little cold when I thought we were okay after our text communication. The picture where we were hugging became old news after Mercedes threw out a statement about me becoming his assistant. Thank god for the head of media.

I met up with Julia, Toto's executive assistant, and she explained me a lot about him and what I was going to be doing for him. She was taking on more responsibility for Toto so I was obviously here for holding his purse and to wipe his ass.

It became Tuesday pretty fast and thank god for that. we had a very early flight since the flight to Australia was long. I packed my suitcase with personal items and handed my larger luggage over to Toto's travel assistant. I grabbed my phones and walked towards the parking lot where Dan was smoking.

"Hey there, congrats on the job!" Dan applauded and threw away the cigarette before giving me quick hug
"Thank you so much, yeah it went pretty fast so I kind of forgot to come and find you." I explained and Dan smiled at me
"That is okay, really. There must have been a lot of information for you to go over." He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and gave it to me "Put your number in there and maybe we can keep in touch when we are in Australia." He scratched his neck and I started to type my work number in there.

"Romée, we are leaving for the airport now." Toto walked with long strides from the building to the car without looking at us, sunglasses on his face and a shoulder bag in his hand

I rolled my eyes in annoyance and created a new contact in Dan's phone. "Well, I have to accompany my lovely new boss that is in the best mood." I chuckled and gave Dan a hug before walking towards the car, my phone chimed and a gif of Toto looking through a plane window appeared. I laughed and looked back at Dan that was laughing with me, waving before heading towards a car as well.

Toto was reading some documents on his iPad, ignoring me fully. His behaviour was even colder than the last couple of days. If this is how it's going to be from now on, I might want to reconsider. The chauffeur, Glenn, entered the car and greeted us with a nod before driving off.

"Are you ready for the race weekend?" I tried and he huffed softly, rude
"Of course, are you? Or are your thoughts elsewhere?" Toto said and kept staring at his iPad

"I am ready and exited, why should my thoughts be elsewhere?" I said "I don't want to overstep Toto but why are you acting so strange? Ever since our dinner together you have been acting distant and kind of rude to be honest." I rambled, my cheeks heating up in frustration. "We talked about that we were okay, that no lines were overstepped but here you are, acting like I kicked your dog or something." Toto shook his head and took off his sunglasses

"I am trying to keep things professional, I thought about how I acted after dinner and I shouldn't have." He said
"And that is okay if you want but you are not acting professional, you are acting rude and cold." I raised my voice a bit and he stared at me "I am sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice, I just want us to be friends or at least get along."
"We get along. You are friends with Dan, right?" He tested
"He was very nice to me when he drove me here, he is nice to me in general. But I am not going to work with him 24/7, and I'd like to be your friend more than his friend."

Toto finally looked at me, a small grin on his face. "I am a good friend to have." He chuckled held out his hand "I am sorry for my behaviour."
"We'll see about that, but I give you the benefit of the doubt." I laughed and shook his hand "You will still have to take me out to dinner this weekend."
"We will see, I hope we come anywhere near a podium." Toto sighed and squeezed my hand, rubbing his thumb up and down before letting go of my hand

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