17- Surprise adoption, not kidnapping!

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|Y/n's POV|

I woke up in a pool of tears. I checked the time and it was 7:14 am. Time to get up. I turned on the lights then I saw something on my desk, it was a note.

Dear, Y/n

I found you outside, crying. So I brought you back inside. I'm so sorry for your loss


All the events from yesterday came flooding back to me. I walked into my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. 

My bandages were pretty gross from all the tears yesterday. I took them off and looked at the slash across my face. 'This is all too much. I need to talk to Darius' I thought as I wrapped my face again.

I put my mask and cloak on and headed towards The Abomination wing. I knocked on Darius' door, he opened it and wrapped me in a big hug when he saw me. I hugged him back slowly and tears leaked from my eyes.

When I pulled away form the hug Darius welcomed me into his room. Raine the new Bard Coven head and Eberwolf were sitting in his chairs looking at me.

"Is there something you need Crowling?" Darius asked.

"I just wanted to talk, about everything." I took off my mask and Darius gasped "Did Belos do this?!" He yelled.

I nodded slightly, Raine gasped. "That punk. I'm gonna kill him" Darius said as he punched his fist into the palm of his hand.

"Hey, Darius not to interrupt this beautiful bonding experience you got going on here but we need to get back to planning..."

Raine paused before revealing anymore about their plan. Darius nodded and looked down to me "Listen Crowling, I'll come see you soon." He held my shoulder. I nodded and put my mask back on.

I walked out his door and back to my room. On the way there I passed some guards who were whispering when they saw me. All I could pick out was "her mom got petrified." I whipped my head around and got out my staff, pinning the guard against the wall.

"Wanna say that to my face?" I said in my Crow Guard voice. The guard trembled and shook his head in a desperate attempt to call me down.

"Good. Get back to work NOW!!" I yelled and dropped the guard who went running off.

All the guards fled from the hallway and I stomped back to my room. When I opened the door I noticed my lights were off and my curtains were shut. "I could've sworn I left those open." I whispered as I cautiously entered my room.

All of the sudden the door slammed behind me and I felt a rag over my face. I tried screaming but it came out too muffled.

There was some sort of chemical or sleeping nettles on the rag because after trying to fight my captor off me, my eyelids slowly closed and I fell asleep. 

|Hunter's POV|

We were all getting ready to leave when Eda walked up to me and started talking "Look kid I think it would be better if you stayed here while we go and get Y/n. Some bad feeling might be associated if she gets put to sleep by you, sleeping nettles do that. So it would be best if we go and put her to sleep then you are the first person she sees." 

I thought about it for a minute then responded "You're right Eda, I'll stay here. Just please get her home safe." Eda put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a comforting smile "Don't worry kid we will. Also while we are gone can you go downstairs and get the Human couch bed thing up here? we are gonna need it if Y/n is going to spend the night." 

Heart of gold (𝕘𝕠𝕝𝕕𝕖𝕟 𝕘𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕕 𝕩 𝕗𝕖𝕞𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣)Where stories live. Discover now