Part 1: sexy new assistant

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I woke up and put on sweats and a tank top then I went to the room that Jarvis told me tony was in and it had a boxing ring in it along with weights

When I got there I saw Happy

I saw pepper and another woman with red hair

Hey Dad. I said to him and he stopped boxing with Happy

Hey, how about you do a few rounds with Happy. Tony said

You sure I don't want to hurt him. I said

He can handle it. Tony said and I got in the ring by jumping over the ropes and I looked over at tony

I should tell you something. I said and then felt a punch on the back of my head

Lesson one, never take your eye off your enemy. Happy said and I kicked the back of his legs then kicked him in the chest making him fly back into the ropes

Is that what you needed to tell me? Tony asked

I'll talk to you later. I said then looked at the red head that was talking to pepper and she was looking at me

What's your name, Red? I asked her

Rushman. Natalie rushman. She said

Front and center. Come into the church. Tony said

No, you're seriously not gonna ask...

If it pleases the court, which it does. She could teach my son a life lesson. Tony said

Getting my ass kicked by a woman is hot. I said and then she started walking over and I held the rope up for her and she got in the ring

Happy, you should teach her a lesson, she looks like she could kick my ass, and I have to do something. I said

I was kinda wishing to see you get your ass kicked. Tony said

I could kick your ass, even if you have that suit on. I said and got out of the ring

When was the last time you slept with someone? Tony asked

You are so weird. I said and picked up the heaviest weight and put it on the bar

There is no way you can pick that up. Tony said

You want to bet? I asked

Yes. He said

100 dollars I could pick this up for 10 seconds. I said

200 says that you can't. Tony said and I laughed and picked up the bar with one hand

I'm gonna need 300 now. I said when I put the weight down

Fine. He said

How do I spell your name Natalie? Tony asked and she spelled out her last name for him and he looked her up on the table

Oh, wow. Very, very impressive individual. Tony said

You're so predictable, you know that? Pepper said

She's fluent in French, Italian, Russian, Latin. Who speaks Latin? Tony asked pepper and I sat down in front of them and kept my eyes on Natalie

No one speaks Latin. It's a dead language. Pepper said

Well she does and I bet it's sexy. I said

Hey Junior look at this. Tony said and I looked at the table and saw that he pulled up a picture she was in her bra and underwear both of them lace and she was laying on something that was fur

Sexy. I said

Did you model in Tokyo? Cause she modeled in Tokyo. Tony said to pepper and I laughed and then turned my attention back to Natalie

She turned to look over at us and then Happy almost punched her and she grabbed his hand and jumped up and wrapped her legs around his neck and flipped him over

Oh, my god! Pepper yelled and Natalie kept her hold for a few seconds then let go and tony and pepper walked over

Happy! Pepper said

Awesome. I said and got up

That's what I'm talking about. Tony said

I just slipped. Happy said

You did? I asked

Yeah. He said

Keep lying I'll kick your ass again. I said then tony hit the bell and Natalie got out the ring

Looks like a TKO to me. Tony said

Just... I need your impression. Natalie said as she put her heels back on

You have a quiet reserve. I don't know, you have an old soul. Tony said

I meant your fingerprint. She said and opened up her booklet

Right. Tony said and put his fingerprint in it

Then I went to get water out of the small fridge

Will that be all, Mr. Stark? Natalie asked

Yes, that will be all, Ms. Rushman. Pepper said

Why don't I walk you out. I said and I walked with her to the front door

I hope to see you again Natalie. I said

And I hope to see you again too, Mr Stark. She said

Call me Anthony, I don't like all that formal stuff. I said as I opened the door for her

Maybe, next time I see you, try to wear something nice. She said and walked out the house

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