Part 10: Mission goes wrong

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I am In front of Fury and Natasha

So fury why did you call me? I asked

I have a mission, that could use someone like you. He said

Like what? I asked

We found a Hydra base that's abandoned but they left a lot of stuff so we just need you to go and check it out then come back. He said

It's just me going? I asked

Yes, and we will have a pilot for the jet go with you. Fury said

Okay, when do I go? I asked

Right now, that's why I asked you to put your suit on. Fury said and pointed behind me

Then I looked behind me and saw the jet

I turned to look at Natasha

And why are you here? I asked

To wish you good luck on your mission. She said

Okay. I said

I'll wait in the car. Fury said and walked away

So, did you want me to go on this mission? I asked

No. She said

I was hoping that we could've gone to dinner actually. She said

Well, when I get back we can go on a picnic and maybe watch the sun go down. I said

I'd love to do that. She said

Good. I said and then she put her hands on my face and pulled me down to kiss her

I kissed her and then she pulled away from me

I got you something to use on the mission. She said

She reached in her jacket and pulled out a handgun

Here, you could use this. She said and gave it to me

Are you worried about me? I asked

Maybe, just be careful okay. She said and I kissed her

I'll be careful. I said

Good, I really like you and don't want to lose you now. She said and moved some hair away from my eyes

I like you too, and I can't wait to go on a date with you when I get back. I said

Now I have to go. I said

I put the gun in one of my holsters

I will see you when I get back. I said and then went to the jet


I am at the base I have the gun in my hand so far the base was empty

I turned the corner and saw a couple of file drawers and a computer

I went over to the computer and put a USB in it then I started to make all the files go onto the USB

I went to the files drawers and went through all of the drawers and I only found one file

I opened it and my eyes widened

Shit. I said and then I heard footsteps

I turned around fast and saw a guy with a mask on and a metal arm

Me and him started fighting

I was winning at first then he punched me with his metal arm and then he kicked me back I crashed into the desk

It didn't break luckily I shook my head and ran at him we punched each other then he grabbed me by my neck and slammed me down on the desk

He punched me I tried to get up but he slammed my head down on the ground twice and I passed out


I woke up in a chair and I saw like 10 people around me and my shirt was off

Skip to 2:30

I looked around and saw a guy who worked for shield

His name was Rumlow

I also saw the guy who I fought at the base

I was held down in the chair

Somebody forced something in my mouth it  was like a mouth guard

Someone pushed my head back and two metal things went around my neck to hold my head down

I saw something over me

It came down and one side was covering my left eye

It started to hurt and I started screaming in pain


When Anthony Stark looked inside the file at the Hydra base

It was full of pictures of him and a paper that explains his abilities, his strengths and his weaknesses

Part of it also talked about how him and Natasha got closer

They knew he was coming there alone and they also knew how to take control over him

So Hydra decided to send their best weapon after their soon to be weapon

They started watching him when they learned that he was a supersoldier

They knew everything about him

Flashback over

3rd POV shield helicarrier

Natasha is with Nick Fury

What did you need Nick? Natasha asked

I have some bad news. He said

What? She asked

Anthony is missing, Hydra made a trap for him, we went to the base and found blood on the floor and a file. Nick said

What was in the file? Natasha asked trying to hide her tears

Pictures of Anthony, and in the file they knew everything about him even some stuff we didn't know. Nick said

Only tony stark knew who Anthony's mother was or he did anyway, Anthony's mother worked for Hydra she spied on him for Hydra and told them everything. Nick said

What are they going to do to him? Natasha asked

We didn't know what at first, but now we do, they sent us this. Nick said and opened a computer and it showed a video of Anthony in a chair strapped down

Nick pushed play and then it showed when they shoved the mouth guard in Anthony's mouth

Then it kept playing until eventually the machine started and Anthony started screaming in pain

Natasha covered her mouth and then Nick closed the computer

Does Tony know? Natasha asked

Yes, we told him, he is doing all he can to look for him. Nick said

Okay. Natasha said

I showed this to you because I know how much you care for him, now I am telling you this, let us Handle it, I don't need you getting taken too. Nick said

Okay, I'll stay out of the way for now. Natasha said

3rd POV secret Hydra base

Anthony is in a room putting on his new suit

But he didn't remember anything from his life

All he remembered was Hydra taking him in

His name was not Anthony Stark

His name was now Red Demon the new enemy for Captain America

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