Part 38: She Was My Light

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Everyone was now back in our present time we just got back

Then our suits came off

Did we get em all? Smart hulk asked

Are you telling me this actually worked? Rhodes asked

Then we heard a small thud

And I looked over and saw Clint on his knees

Then I looked around and I couldn't see Natasha

Clint, where's Nat? Smart hulk asked and he didn't answer

Where is Natasha? I asked and he just looked up at me with tears in his eyes

No. I said and felt a hand on my shoulder as the tears fell out my eyes

She promised me. I said

Anthony. Steve said and I turned to look at him

I dropped the scepter that was in my hand and fell on my knees

Jr. Dad said

I need some air. i said and got up and left the room and i went outside to the lake

I was holding a small picture of me and Natasha on our wedding day she was kissing me

Then i looked at my wedding ring and i felt a hand on my shoulder

I looked over and saw Clint

She wanted you to have this. He said and put something in my hand and i looked and saw her wedding ring

Then i heard everyone else walk over

I just kept looking out at the water imagining her face and her smile

Then i heard my dad

Jr, It's gonna be okay. Dad said putting his hand on my shoulder

No, it wont, she was my light now, she's gone. I said

We can get past this. He said

I told her i didn't want to do this if it could risk me losing her, and i lost her. i said

Yeah, no, you're acting like she's dead. Why are we acting like she's dead? We have the stones, right? As long as we have the stones we, Cap, we can bring her back. Isn't that right? Sp, stop this shit. We're the Avengers. Get it together. Thor said and then Clint said that we couldn't get her back and he yelled at Thor

Then he said it should have been him who died

You know what Clint, i agree with you, it should have been you who died, me and Natasha were just starting our family, you already got your family and you don't even deserve them. I said

Anthony. Steve said

You and your wife have three kids, me and Natasha have zero we were talking about adopting but i guess she won't ever get the chance to be a mom because she's dead. i said and he just looked at me

I didn't want her to jump, she chose to, i tried to tell her how you would be if you lost her but she wanted to save the world. He said

It doesn't matter after we bring everyone back, you all are on your own, i'm done with all of you. i said and walked away from them and i went into the woods

I just started crying and I fell on my knees and a blast came from my body and I leaned against a tree and I hugged my knees as I cried

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