hello my name is stefanie salavtore yes i'm damon and elena salavtore daughter, i'm the oldest of four children there is me stefanie then grayson then jenna and zachary, im stefanie rose sobel salavtore named after my uncle stefan and dads friend rose she was a vampire but was bitten by a werewolf and dead sadly before i was born same with uncle stefan he died before i was born and my mum biological mother so my grandmother, grayson jermiah salavtore he was named after our grandfather our moms dad and dad nephew then there is jenna lillian miranda salavtore who is named after our great aunt who died, and her middle names are from our grandmothers who also died but we seen picture and then is zachary antoino salavtore he was named after dad great nephew.zachary is a witch
grayson is a hybrid- witch and vampire
jenna is a hybrid-witch and vampire and i'm a witch,traveller and a doppleganger and we all go to the salavtore boarding school, grayson and jenna are twins,zachary is younger then them and im the oldest. you might know my parents story but this is my storyAUTHOR'S NOTE
i know its impossible for them to be what they are but this is a fanfiction so they can be whatever i want them to be
what should of been
Randomthis story is another fanfiction for legacies and what should of been if it wasnt cancelled, there be some charcters that doesn't exist and some that does, now the main characters will be the same age as hope,lizzie and joise for this story want to...