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She watched as shuichi and kokichi left the prison with a smile on her face before the police brought her out of jail and walked to the cafeteria, prisoners looked at her unsettled by her smile and the despair radiating off her.

"what a freak that one is" one prisoner commented on their table with the others nodding "what's her problem? always smiling" another one added "i heard that she killed some kids that lead her to jail, made them play some game or whatever," a third one said before making eye contact with the blue-haired girl, her smile unwavering behind the other two prisoners.

"What is this that I am hearing? talking about me behind my back?" she asked, the other two prisoners turning their heads at her, her smile seemed to get bigger with each word she was saying, her aura now being more obvious. screams are now heard throughout the prison while they looked in the direction of the scream and became unsettled with what they saw and have become even more unsettled with what they saw.

tsumugi held a spoon and that was bloody while the man lay unmoving, his eyes bloody while tsumugi held an eye in between her fingers, looking at it like a jewel. She wiped the blood off her face and wiped it on her orange prison uniform, leaving blood stains on it. "your lucky I didn't have anything to rip your tongue out of your filthy mouth," she said with her smile now gone, they were unsettled with her smile, but now they wished that she kept smiling because of how she looked without that creepy smile.


"the two should be able to leave now," the doctor said, making them happy about the news and going to the two ultimates who just came out of the changing room now in their usual ultimate outfits.

"We didn't have anything else so we had to wear our old outfits" Rantaro explained, making them add to their list to get the two some new clothes.

" we should go back to the apartments," said kokichi before dragging Rantaro while Kaede and the others watched and just walked with Rantaro yelling at kokichi to stop running so fast since he can't keep up with the purple-haired liar's speed.


When they went to their apartment they wondered where Rantaro and Kaede would stay since they don't have an apartment where they could stay in.

"Maybe they could share an apartment making two of them have three people in it" korekiyo offered, giving kokichi an idea "how about kaede stays with miu and the assassin while rantaro comes with us!" he said before ryoma commented something about rather not having company.

"WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO DECIDE FOR THEM?!" the blonde yelled with a blush on her face about being with kaede "are you not ok with it?" Kaede asked, her pink eyes (her ✨marbles✨) staring into blue eyes. "I-I mean it's not like I mind or whatever..." miu stuttered out, her words stuck in her throat, maki nodded at miu not minding Kaede being with them and not wanting to deal with just miu and her jokes anymore.

The girls went into the apartment, being the same as all the apartments but when they entered the room with Miu's side pink and having a chest by her bed, Kaede didn't want to know what was inside, while maki's side stayed the same and not bothering to add anything to her side. "im glad im back here," kaede said

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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