Chapter 6: Vermillion City

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Ash and Ellena are at Vermillion City, as Ellena was enjoying her delicious Ice Cream while humming, Ash is looking though his Nanodex, deciding who to use for Lt. Surge.

"So Surge will have a Volterb and Raichu, I Don't have an any ground types so that's out of the question... But I want to finish all regions within the 3 years... Maybe I should be quicker and stop sightseeing."

Ellena notice and signs, "Thinking?"

"Yeah, we've been going for a week, and we've only got two badges while I want to do all regions before the 3 years so I can have a better chance of being chosen for the Master Tournament."

"Why...can't.... we....use... Charizard... to... fly?" Ellena asked.

"Because I want to capture new Pokémon since I don't want to use my stronger Pokémon just yet so we can have less attention, especially as I have Pokémon from other regions."

"You... used.... Charizard... though.." She stated, causing him to sweatdropped.

"Yeah you're right..." Ash then got an idea. "How about this? I may use my Pokemon, but I only use Pokemon that could be found before thy Gym, so I could use Butterfree, and Pikachu, maybe we'll go to Celadon and I can use Charizard." Ellena nodded, as she thinks it could work. "Alright, just gotta be careful how much strength they'll use..."

"Wartortle!" A Wartortle jumped onto Ash's back and hugged him.

"H-Hey....!" Ash looked back as he notices he has familiar shades. "It couldn't be...." He remembered one of his first Pokémon he caught, "Squirtle, is that you?" He nodded. "It's great to see you again!" He hugs his former Pokémon. "What are you doing here?" 

"War Wartortle." He spoke.

"You got my scent... you want to come with us?" He nods as Ash smiles. "Welcome back to the team, buddy!" They finished their ice cream and started heading to the gym, as they reach it, Ash notices a familiar boat. "No way.... I thought it was destroyed..."

Ellena signed, "You.... okay...?"

"That's the S.S Anne. I went there with Brock and Misty for some battles. But there was as storm that destroyed the entire ship, everyone besides us and Team Rocket, we were trapped on an island for a while..." But Ash explained, what he didn't notice, Ellena flinched on the name of Team Rocket for a bit. "Never mind that, let's get going."

"Why did I flinched on it... do I know something about it...?" The girl wondered.


"Raichu(30), Slam!" Lt. Surge told his partner.

"Dodge and finish this with Psybeam!" Ash told Butterfree(40). Butterfree dodge Raichu's attack and finishes off to Raichu with his Psybeam. "Alright, nice job!"

"Freeree!" Butterfree said cheerfully.

"That's a great battle, Red." Surge told him, here's the Thunder Badge."

"Thanks." Ash took the badge. They went out of the gym.

Ellena signed, "What's... next...?"

"Hmmm... since Saffron and Lavender are close, we can do them both at the same day?" Ash asked to which she nodded. "Alright, let's get going!"


Sorry for the short and VERY late chapter. I had a bit of writer's block on it and don't know much to do about it. And what I'm planning of doing a gym and route each chapter, it'll probably take like what, 120? I don't want to take that long, so I'll try to do speed up the regions if there's no reason to go through the route.

Also, I'll be making another 'story' which let's you vote on a story that I should work on next after the Assassin's Broken Heart. I'll be leaving it up for a week or two so please vote soon.

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