Chapter 13: Kanto Champion?

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--------------------------*Several Minutes Ago, just before Lance and Ash's Battle*--------------------------

"So what do want, dad?" Gary asked his father.

"I know about you're little secret with Ash," This cause Gary to widen his eyes. "Don't worry bud, lips are sealed." This made Gary sighed in relief, but then, "But in one condition."

Gary looked up to him, "What is it?"

"You're taking my place to fight Ash as champion." Blue told him, give Gary a shocked look that scream 'WHAT' and he continues, "I know I'm going to lose to Ash seeing how much he've grown by watching the Elite four battles. So, I'm gonna spice things up. I'll give u the title as champion so you two can battle."

"But why?" Gary asked his father.

Blue just chuckle and then smirk, "That's you have to figure out."


"I'll be taking charge of this battle. So," He took out one of his Pokeballs,
I'm expecting you at your best Ashy-Boy."

Ash took a moment and smiles as he gets ready one of his, "You got it Gary!"

"This will be a 3v3 Battle. One's who has remaining Pokemon will be the winner!" Blue explained, "Battle Begin!"

"Bulbasaur(52)/ Alakazam(57), I chose you!" Both of them said, sending out their Pokémon.

"We're not going to win this... Bulbasaur, Curse!" Bulbasaur started to glow a strange aura as he felt a sharp pain, but it went to Alakazam, making him feel the pain also. (Bulbasaur- 50%, Alakazam- Cursed)

"Psychic!" Alakazam uses Psychic and it almost knock out Bulbasaur, but soon Alakazam felt the pain. (Bulbasaur- 1%, Alakazam- 75- Cursed). "Grr.. use Psychic!"

"Endure(A/N, they can use Endure, but they can't use it again, I'll do the same as Protect because this is a lame but somewhat affective strat)!" Bulbasaur made sure to survive long as can, but the next Psychic knock him out. (Alakazam- 25%).

"You sure getting smart, Ashy Boy." Gary said as Ash returned his Pokémon and thanked under his breath.

"Learned from my friends." He mentioned as he take out another and throws it, "Tauros(55), let's go!" Tauros comes out and moos as getting ready to charge.

"Use Drain Punch!" Alakazam charged in, hoping to get some health to survive for another turn, it did connect and got a critical hit which cause Tauros to be more angry, but the Wild Bull uses Shadow Ball, it didn't take it out, but the Curse did. (Tauros-62%, Attack Up).

Gary returned his Alakazam and thanked him, he grabbed another and start to release his next Pokémon, "Golem(58), let's win this!"

"Brick Break!" Golem rushed towards Tauros, but due to Tauros' speed, he dodges and uses Icy Wind, which did massive damage, but thanks to Sturdy, it barely survives.

(A/N: Seriously, how does some of these Pokémon learn moves that doesn't make sense to their bios?)

"Use Explosion!" Golem started to glow, which started to scare the Wild Bull Pokémon as it was point blank. After the smoke, Tauros is barely holding on. (Tauros- 3%). Gary returned him and thanked his Golem, he gets another and sent out his last Pokémon.

"Go Blastoise(60)!" Gary released his last Pokémon, as it roars. Before Ash could say anything, "Aura Sphere!" Blastoise sent out a ball of aura which hit Tauros, knocking the Pokémon at. Ash returned his Pokemon and thanked it.

"Let's end this Charizard(57)!" Charizard roars and get ready for battle. "I can't use Sunny Day because I know he'll counter it with Rain Dance..."

"I know  i can't use Rain Dance, or he'll counter it with Sunny Day, making me use my advantage..." Gary thoughted.

"So, I have to use my wits and Charizard's/Blastoise's power!" Thoughted at the same time. "Use Dragon Pulse/Hydro Pump!" Both fire their attacks and it collided, causing smoked but both charge in with both using Thunder Punches, but both got hit, though one Pokémon got paralyzed from the attack. (Blastoise- 79%, Charizard- 83%, Paralyzed)

"Use Hydro Pump!" Gary told his partner.

"Dodge and use Thunder Punch!" Charizard barely dodge it, and land his punch, which lucky as it was a direct hit and static around Blastoise showed it was paralyzed.(Blastoise- 48%, Paralyzed, Charizard- 83%, Paralyzed). "Thunder Punch again!" 

"Combat it with your own!" Charizard tried to attack, but flinched from the paralyze but Blastoise got a hit, sending Charizard back a bit. (Blastoise- 48%, Paralyzed, Charizard- 66%, Paralyzed)

"Facade!" Charizard charges and Blastoise try to dodge but was his turn for the paralyze to flinch him as Charizard hit him to the ground. (Blastoise- 31%, Paralyzed, Charizard- 66%, Paralyzed). "Now Attack with Thunder Punch!

"Use Rapid Spin to deflect it!" Their attacks collided and tried to either deflect the attack or break though the defense, but both felt the paralyze and fell top of each other, doing little damage from the collision. (Blastoise- 31%, Paralyzed, Charizard- 66%, Paralyzed).

"Thunder Punch!" Both try to attack each other again and both fists went past each other, and both hit their faces towards a direct hit. But the Shellfish Pokémon, couldn't take any more hits, and fainted right there with Charizard barely standing.

"We did it...." Ash lips grew wider which turned into a smile as jump on Charizard's back and hugged him around his neck. "WE DID IT!!" Charizard roars as shooting a flamethrower in the air to show his valor victory.

"Return Blastoise," Gary closed his eyes as returned his Pokémon and place the ball on his forehead, "You've done a great job." Blue started to clap with a smug smile.

"WELL DONE! And part of the agreement, Ash Ketchum will be the NEW Kanto Champion!" Blue told the two.

"So, what are you gonna do now? Going to Jhoto?" Gary asked his childhood friend.

"Yeah, but I'm going to spend a week or 2 here, catching new Pokémon and help train them before heading there." Ash explained.

"I won't tell your secret, and I wish you luck." Blue shook Ash's hand and he left. But after he left, Blue started to talk to his son, "I'm surprised you never mentioned about your invitation?" Gary was silent, and then he took out an envelope, revealing the Master Tournament signature stamp.

"I really don't know what to say to him. Would it hurt him? Or encourage him? Maybe even both." Gary then smirks, "But I know this, when we meet face to face in the tournament, I'll be at above 100% against him."

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