Break x

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(You wake up about 3am and can't get back to sleep. Katie's out of it so you decide to go downstairs to see if ke is awake or asleep)
Y/n - ke (you whisper)
Keira - hey you okay
Y/n - can't sleep you?
Keira - Same. Come here (you go and lie down and she puts her head on your chest)
Y/n - how's luce?
Keira - good well she seems a bit off lately but she won't talk to me so I don't know
Y/n - that's not like her
Keira - I know. Maybe she'll be okay when camp starts up
Y/n - yeah maybe. Kei you're literally boiling. How are you sleeping in that hoodie
Keira - I don't know it is pretty hot to be honest (you both laugh)
Y/n - take it off then
Keira - I'm alright
Y/n - kei just take off the stupid hoodie
(She leans up taking the hoodie off. There's bruises all up her back, on her arms and on her chest. She just looks at you and doesn't say anything)
Y/n - come here (she lies back down on you and bursts out crying) talk to me bby
Keira - it's just Daniel isn't it. I love him so much but it's so hard to get away and sometimes it just feels normal you know and I know it shouldn't but it does
Y/n - I get you princess I do. You can get away you know
Keira - how I've tried everything. It's so hard to not go back to him everytime I see him
Y/n - eventually you'll find someone who treats you better than he ever has and you'll realise that he never deserved you. He's so horrible ke ke. You can't live like this, it's not even living it's just surviving. You're probably sick of hearing me say it at this point but you know it's true, and I'm going to keep saying it until I know that you're safe. Honestly ke, you're the most beautiful, kind, caring person I've ever met and you deserve the world, you don't deserve to be treated like this
Keira - I know sis and I'm sorry
Y/n - stop apologising it's okay. Come on let's get some sleep we can talk about it tomorrow at breakfast.
Keira - I love you
Y/n - I love you more than anything my girl
Keira - more than katie
Y/n - shush (you both giggle. You both fall asleep and it's about 7am. You have just woken up hearing footsteps. Keira is still led with her head on your chest in the same position but she's still asleep. Katie walks in) be quiet she's asleep
Katie - that's where you got off to then (she whispers)
Y/n - sorry I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep
Katie - it's okay. Did you sleep okay down here?
Y/n - yeah (you look down at ke and you're just stroking her hair)
Katie - you're really protective of her aren't you?
Y/n - yeah I just want to keep her safe
Katie - I can see that. You're like a big sister (she giggles)
Y/n - I just want to know she's happy and looked after
Katie - I know you do (she kisses you on the head and goes upstairs. Shortly after Keira wakes up and you're still stroking her hair)
Keira - how long have you been doing that
Y/n - a good hour now (you giggle)
Keira - bloody hell I really am a deep sleeper
Y/n - tell me about it. We should get up, there's a new cafe I want to go to
Keira - ooo okay. Can I lend some of your clothes
Y/n - kei you literally have a full suitcase there
Keira - I know but I want to see what you have
Y/n - come on then (you both go upstairs)
Keira - nice room
Y/n - it would be nicer if Katie's clothes weren't all over the floor
Katie - hey
Y/n - I'm not wrong
Katie - fine I'll get them now (she comes out the bathroom and picks up her clothes kissing you on the cheek before going downstairs)
Y/n - thankyouuu (you look at Keira) well what are you waiting for ?
Keira - what?
Y/n - through that door (she goes through to your wardrobe)
Keira - y/n what the actual fuck
Y/n - what's wrong
Keira - it's not normal to have that many pairs of shoes. You're just like Lucy. Shoe obsessed (she giggles)
Y/n - fair enough. Hurry up and pick something so I can say yes. I need to get a shower
Keira - Katie's sides nicer than yours
Y/n - not true
Keira - is too look how nice her clothes are
Y/n - and mine aren't nice?
Keira - they're just not as nice (she laughs) do you think Katie will mind if I steal an outfit of hers
Y/n - probably
Keira - okay then (she grabs one of Katie's outfits and goes into your room getting changed. You get in the shower)
Y/n - kei can you come sit and talk to me
Keira - yeah two seconds (you cover the glass so she can't see you before she comes in)
Y/n - hey
Keira - you okay
Y/n - yeah. I'm gonna miss you so much when you leave later
Keira - yeahhh
(You talk and then Katie comes upstairs)
Katie - babe ? (She shouts)
Y/n - I'm in the shower
Katie - where's keira ?
Keira - in here aswell
Katie - what the fuck
Keira - not in the shower you idiot just in here (she walks in)
Katie - ohhh right wait
Keira - what?
Katie - are you wearing my clothes ?
Keira - yeah I liked the outfit so I lent it. Is that okay?
Katie - no but you've already got it on now
Keira - thanks (she hugs Katie leaving. She walks over to the shower pulling the towel of the glass)
Katie - we have hooks you know
Y/n - I didn't want her to see my arms
Katie - wait she doesn't know?
Y/n - no and she can never know
Katie - what why?
Y/n - she's my baby sister. She doesn't even know about what happened between me and Ethan, and she has an Ethan
Katie - she has an Ethan?
Y/n - yeah but he's called Daniel. Look I know you probably don't get where I'm coming from, but I have to stay strong for her always. When Ethan hurt me this was my way out (you look at your arms) and now I can't stop. I don't want her to think for one second that this is even an option.
Katie - I do get where you're coming from, but if it's not an option for her then why is it an option for you?
Y/n - I never had an option. I never had anyone there for me, this was my way out, my only way out. I'm getting help for it now. She has people there for her. She has me and I'm never gonna let her feel like that's her only option
Katie - was that a dig?
Y/n - what ?
Katie - I'm there for you and you still did it
Y/n - it's different Katie. You wouldn't get it. You just don't understand
Katie - you really just said that too me (she storms out)
Y/n - for fuck sake (you carry on getting a shower and get dressed. You put on black leggings and your hoodie that Katie got you before heading downstairs. Katie's stood in the kitchen making a drink so you go and wrap your arms around her waist) I'm sorry bby I didn't mean what I said. I don't want to argue with you, this is the last day we'll see each other for a while.
Katie - (she turns round to face you) I don't want to argue either princess but what you said hurt. I may not understand everything that you're going through, but I do understand some of it and everything else I try my best to understand. I'm trying so hard to be there for you but it just feels like you're slowly pushing me away.
Y/n - I know and I'm sorry I don't mean to. I love you so much and I appreciate everything that you do for me. I've just never been in such a healthy relationship so sometimes it just feels like I don't deserve it and then I push you away.
Katie - I get that baby but you do deserve it. You deserve the world, but you can't keep pushing me away because eventually I'll just stop trying.
Y/n - I know I know I'm sorry I really am
Katie - I know (she gives you a kiss) now go have your breakfast with Keira. I'll be here when you get back. I leave at 6. So we can watch a movie before I go.
Y/n - okay I love you
Katie - I love you and nice hoodie by the way
Y/n - when I get back you best have yours on
Katie - I will now go
Y/n - okay I'm going (you go out to the car and wait for kei. Whilst you're waiting you give Alex a call)
Alex - hey y/n
Y/n - hi Alex
Alex - is everything okay?
Y/n - I was just wondering if we could have a chat as soon as possible. Things have just gotten worse lately and I think it's best if we catch up.
Alex - yeah that's fine
Y/n - when should I come in?
Alex - well I'm not here at the minute I'm at St George's park so I'll have to get back to you when I know my schedule
Y/n - oh okay thanks
Alex - you can always call me whenever you need to talk y/n
Y/n - I know thanks Alex. We'll talk soon
Alex - yeah okay
Y/n - bye
Alex - bye
(You get off the call but you're confused because Alex is your private therapist so it's weird that he's at St George's park. You just forget about it and kei gets in the car so you both drive to the little cafe)
Keira - is that it?
Y/n - yeah I think so
Keira - it's so hidden
Y/n - I know that why it's great
Keira - true
(You both get out and go inside)
? - hi can I help you ?
Y/n - hi yeah can we have two iced lattes
? - yeah that's fine. Find a seat and I'll be over in a minute
Y/n - Thankyou
(You and kei find a little booth in the corner next to the window and sit down)
Y/n - this is cute I like it
Keira - yeah it's nice
Y/n - you excited for camp then?
Keira - yeah I miss Lucy (she laughs)
Y/n - girl you saw her two days ago
Keira - I know but I miss her (you just smirk at her) what are you looking at me like that for?
Y/n - just the way your eyes light up when you talk about Lucy
Keira - no the don't
Y/n - they do. Every time you mention her name you have a massive smile on your face and your eyes light up
Keira - oh give over
Y/n - right fine (you laugh) so what's going to happen with you and Ethan when you go back home?
Keira - I've decided that I'm going to break up with him and move out
Y/n - wait really?
Keira - yeah it's for the best
Y/n - you're so brave. I'm so so proud of you ke ke
Keira - thanks sis
(The server comes over with your drinks)
? - here is two iced lattes
Y/n - thanks
Keira - Thankyou
? - I haven't seen you girls around before. What brings you?
Y/n - I'm new to the area so I thought I'd find myself a little cafe that could become my regular
? - well I'd be honoured (he giggles)
Y/n - I'm y/n, this is my friend Keira
? - it's nice to meet you, I'm Ed
Y/n - it's nice to meet you too Ed
Ed - enjoy (he smiles before walking away)
Y/n - he's cute
Keira- I know, reminds me of my dad (she laughs)
Y/n - I see it (you giggle. You and kei are just talking and your phone rings) one sec let me take this
? - hello is this y/n y/l/n?
Y/n - yes this is she
? - hi I'm sarina wiegman
Y/n - oh erm hi, how I can I help
Sarina - so I know you didn't get a call up yesterday but I thought I would call you today as you were celebrating your birthday yesterday
Y/n - oh my god. Are you serious?
Sarina - I'm 100% serious y/n you're one of the best young players I have ever seen, and I want you on my squad
Y/n - that means a lot thank you so much
Sarina - so is that a yes?
Y/n - of course I would love to thank you so much
Sarina - no worries. I'm looking forward to meeting you tonight
Y/n - you too
Sarina - bye (the call ends)
Y/n - oh my god kei
Keira - what's up?
Y/n - I got into squad
Keira - I know (she giggles)
Y/n - you what?
Keira - I knew you got in. How did you expect sarina to just let me come to yours. I asked wether you got in and she said yeah so I asked wether I could come a day early and travel with you to camp
Y/n - oh my god that's why every time I said I was gonna miss you, you kept saying yeahhhh like a weirdo
Keira - I know (you both laugh)
Y/n - ahhhh I'm so excited
Keira - me too I'm so proud of you
(You and Keira both chill for a while at the cafe and then go home. You go upstairs to your bedroom)
Y/n - hey babe
Katie - oh hey, how was your little coffee date with Keira
Y/n - it was good thanks. I found us a new little spot. The cafe is very hidden so it can be our little chill spot, and there's a lovely man who runs the shop. He's called Ed and his wife works there too sometimes she's called sue
Katie - that's nice, you'll have to take me sometime when we get back
Y/n - yeah definitely
Katie - can you help me pack?
Y/n - no
Katie - what that's rude
Y/n - I've got my own packing to do
Katie - what for?
Y/n - I got into England squad
Katie - you what?
Y/n - yeah sarina called me before to tell me
Katie - omg I'm so proud of you princess (she lifts you up and kisses you. It's a little while later and you have all packed so you're watching a movie together in the movie room. You're led with your head on Katie's lap while she strokes your hair)
Katie - is she asleep? (She looks at Keira)
Keira - looks like it (she laughs)
Katie - this girl sleeps way too much
Keira - I know tell me about it (they both laugh)
Katie - she loves you so much you know
Keira - I know she does
Katie - she tries so hard to protect you
Keira - I know and I love her a lot. I always want her to be safe
Katie - yeah me too
(A while passes and Katie kisses you on the cheek)
Katie - babe
Y/n - shit I fell asleep
Katie - I know
Y/n - we need to leave
Katie - it's fine cmon your case is already in the car and kei is waiting for you. She said that she'll drive your car there anyways
Y/n - oh okay (you give Katie a hug and a kiss before getting in the car)
Katie - you'll FaceTime me everyday yeah?
Y/n - of course I will baby
Katie - good I love you
Y/n - I love you more
(You get in the car and Keira drives you to camp. Whilst on the way you post to your instagram)

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