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《"no way" said fred and george in unison

"Oh yes way" I said》

{Your POV}

I had sleeping all day waiting for draco
I should me turning back tom morning
Can't wait
But I'll miss this
I looked out the window then around the room
I'm still jealous of how comfy this bloody bed is!
Private room how lucky

It's been what? Two days? Yeah and I already think I'm falling more and more
Speak of the devil, here he is

"Hey y/n/n" he said
He scooped me up and hugged me
He must've had a rough day
"I'll be right back" he said
Probably going to take a shower
Five minutes later he comes out with a tower around his waist and a smaller tower to dry his hair with

Wow I'm definitely gonna say thank you to ron because- just- wow
If I were human right now I'd be a tomato at this point
I tried to look away but not gonna lie it was kinda hard to not look

He put on some pants and a shirt hopped onto his bed with me

"Blaise was right, you do have Y/n's eyes. Your fur, orange like her hair too. She's very pretty too" he said

"Goodnight angel"

*timeskip to the night before you change back*

I yawned, or at least I think I did no way to tell
I should be changing back tomorrow morning oh god what is he gonna think

{Hermione's POV}

"What are we gonna do! This is all your fault ronald!" I yelled at him

"Well aware of that thank you very much" he muttered

"She'll he fine! She likes Malfoy anyway" harry spat clearly aggravated from this nonsense

"She is going to change back tomorrow morning at 7!" I shouted

"Thing is Hermione-"

"-We can't do anything about it" fred finished for george

"Read my mind freddie"

{Your POV}

I woke up and.. I wasn't furry anymore! And I had hands! Oh thank Merlin!
I had some pants on, but.. where'd my shirt go! Why do I only have my bloody bra?!
Then draco woke up
Bloody hell

"What the- y/n?"

"Hello" I said awkwardly
This is embarrassing!
"You were the kitten?"

"Uhm- well- you see- yes, but it was Ron's fault! He turned me into a kitten instead of the twins"

"So you heard everything I said, and what blaise said huh"

"Welllll yeah but I have good news"

"What is it?"

"I like you too"
He pulled me into a soft and short kiss then smiled
"Does this mean we're like, a thing now?" I asked
"If you want it to be darling"

"Then yes, I do want us to be a thing" I smiled

"Do you, uh- want one of my hoodies? I don't really think you wanna go to breakfast in your- uhm- bra"

He handed me his black hoodie that said, 'Malfoy' on the back in green
"Thanks," I said putting it on," I can give it back later"

"No no, you keep it, it suits you better anyway"

Oh boy what a story I got to tell

♡𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕠 𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕗𝕠𝕪 𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤♡ •|DISCONTINUED|•Where stories live. Discover now