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House: Gryffindor or slytherin
Blood: half or pure
Warning:tw? I guess, reader if kind of in a depressive state?

{3rd person pov}
Y/n L/n. Y/n is one of the most popular girls at Hogwarts. She has goddess-like looks, shes kind, smart, anything a guy could possibly want. A lot of boys got their eye on her but she has an eye for one blond boy in particular. Draco Malfoy is his name. The slytherin prince, Y/n was crowned the princess of her house in fact (gryffindor or slytherin)
Everyone wanted to be Y/n. They never knew what went on behind every smile, every laugh. They knew nothing about her life. If her eyes could show her soul people would be surprised.


Y/n was walking down to divination, the class she dreaded the most.
Although hearing all the different possibilities and ways you're going to die was a little much for her.
She'd been thinking about dropping the class since she thought it was a bunch of crap anyway.
But it was a reason to get things off her mind. A reason to get al the things going on in her head out for awhile.


After all the classes Y/n went to the library to do some studying.
And maybe grab a book or two.

After studying for a little bit, she decided to grab a book on simple spells and charms.

But of course it was out of her reach.

"Need help darling," a male voice had said


He had pressed his chest on her back reaching over her to grab the book on spells and charms.
If she wasn't a blushing mess right now, she didn't know what would make her blush.

"Was this the book darling?" Draco had questioned

"Uhm- y-yes it is. Thank you Draco." Y/n said smiling a bit

"No problem Y/n." He returned the smile and walked off somewhere.


Y/n was at dinner and oddly enough the mail was late. It usually came around lunch.

She was sitting next to one of her only best friends. She was one of the only people who actually knew what was going on in y/ns life. They did live next to each other after all.

"Mail came in extremely late today." Valerie stated (yes I gave her a name so just go with it(:  )

"Yeah it did." Y/n replied

She awaited for her owl, for something to come.
The owl dropped a few letters, one being a howler.

"I have to go valerie" y/n said grabbing her stuff, taking the letter with her to black lake.


Once Y/n had gotten there she opened the howler speedily.
It was from her father.. uh oh Y/n thought. Mentally preparing for the worst.

"Y/n! M/n! L/n! Your grades should be way higher than this! I expected better of you! You are such a disgrace to the family name! I raised you better than this! And I told you to stop being friends with that girl valerie! Didnt I! She is a bad influence to you! Look at what she has done! Look at your grades! You are a pathetic excuse for a daughter."

Y/n had slumped down by a tree and watched as the letter ripe itself up.
She sighed bringing her knees up to her chest and hugging them.
She cried and cried and cried. She only wanted her father to be proud of her, sure she was rich and her life seemed perfect, but she lacked love. Her mother had left. But Y/n understood why now.

She had continued to cry until she had heard something behind her.
She quickly wiped her eyes and her cheeks and tried her best to stop weeping. But she couldnt really.

"H-hello? Is anyone t-there?" She asked standing up slightly

Out from behind the shadows came a boy with platinum blond hair. Draco.

"Are you okay Y/n?" He asked concern in his voice

"I uhm- heard the letter"

She said nothing, instead she went up to him and started hugging him tightly.
He was taken aback by this but he didnt complain. Getting hugged by his crush, he couldn't be happier.

Y/n had started crying again.

"I tried so hard d-draco a-and he's s-still not h-happy with m-me" Y/n weeped

"Hey hey it's okay darling, shhh stop crying"

"B-but I just w-want-" she was cut off by Draco's lips on hers
She was taken aback but she kissed back

"It's okay darling, he may just see a pathetic girl, but I see perfection, a ray of sunshine, I think that you're perfect just the way you are, you're smart, you're a literally goddess and if anyone thinks otherwise they are clearly out of their minds"

"Thank you Draco" Y/n said smiling slightly

♡𝔻𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕠 𝕄𝕒𝕝𝕗𝕠𝕪 𝕀𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤♡ •|DISCONTINUED|•Where stories live. Discover now