Part 1

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This fanfic is a commission for one of my lovely followers who wanted a Grandpa Rick Grimes story with Daryl Dixon x Ricks Daughter.

I really hope she likes this story and I hope the rest of you enjoy it as well xx


The spray of the garden sprinkler washed over you, cooling your skin from the scorching Georgia summer heat. The water did nothing but make your wavy hair more wild than usual, sticking to your neck and the sides of your face as you stood on the grass, enjoying the coolness.

You closed your eyes for a few seconds soaking up the peaceful moment, but it didn't last long before the all too familiar sound of your kids shouting had you opening them again.

"You missed, dumbass!"

Your eldest boy was running across the lawn and for an eight-year-old, he was fast, leaving his younger brother in the dust. Little Merle Dean was holding his new water pistol in Ricky's direction, but it was empty.

"Richard Daryl Dixon. Watch your language." You warned, giving your eldest a stern look causing him to roll his eyes.

"But Uncle Merle says it all the time!" Ricky pointed out.

"Listen to ya mother!" Daryl's gruff voice suddenly called out.

You glanced over your shoulder to find him walking out the back door of the house, a bottle of beer in one hand and a water pistol in the other. He had ditched his usual sleeveless shirt. It was probably sitting on the laundry floor, drenched from the water fight earlier. He was now shirtless, showing off his toned stomach and tattoos, and you couldn't stop yourself from staring.

Ricky didn't dare argue with his father. The boy simply nodded before he went back to running around like crazy under the sprinkler.

"Dean, come over here, buddy. I'll fill your gun back up 'n we can shoot ya brother together." Daryl said, waving him over.

You smiled watching the two of them, little Dean now grinning ear to ear while Daryl used the hose to refill his water pistol.

"Y/N, your phone is ringin'!" Merle's voice shouted from inside the house.

Who would be calling you on a Saturday afternoon? You weren't rostered on to work today, unless someone called in sick and they needed you to come into the nursing home. God, you hoped not. As much as you enjoyed being a caregiver in that place, you enjoyed spending your days off with family more.

Merle walked outside, a dart between his lips and your flip phone in his hand that was ringing loudly. You walked over and gave him an appreciative nod before taking the phone, not recognising the number that was calling.


"Hey, kiddo." A voice you hadn't heard for nearly 10 years said through the phone.

Daryl was now running around the backyard with the boys, shooting the water pistols and jumping over the sprinkler. Merle was leaning against the veranda post, watching his brother and nephews in amusement while he smoked, but you were barely paying attention to any of that.

"Hello? Y/N, you still there?" The voice said after a few seconds of silence.

"Y-Yeah. Yeah. I... I'm still here. Hi, Uncle Shane." You answered, trying to wrack your brain as to why he was calling after all these years.

Ever since you left home nearly 10 years ago, you hadn't heard from your parents, let alone Shane Walsh. Things went bad, you parted ways with your parents on a bad note... not so much with your father, but with your mother. Things went bad, and your father had taken Lori's side, not surprisingly, so you had left and never looked back.

Found You ( Daryl Dixon x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now