Part 5

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Rick sat on the edge of the bathtub while you knelt in front of him cleaning the cut on his hand with disinfectant.

The horde of walkers had surrounded Alexandria, but for now, the walls were holding. So, you took the time to help him since he refused to go to the infirmary.

The kids had been relieved to see their father and grandfather. Rick quickly checked on Judith who to your own shock had slept through the entire thing in her crib.

"Are you hurt?" Your father questioned, speaking for the first time since you dragged him away from the kids and sat him down in the bathroom.

You looked up at him in confusion to find his eyes glued to your bloodstained shirt.

Oh, right. The blood.

"It isn't mine." You answered, thinking back to the woman you had tried to help. "I'm fine."

He shook his head, "you're not."

"Yeah, well, seeing those attackers butcher and murder people will do that to you." You responded with a shrug. "But I'm fine. I have to be."

"I'm sorry."

"Dad, it's not your fault."

"I took most of Alexandria's fighters away from here." He pointed out.

"And if you didn't, that entire horde from the quarry would be at our doorstep instead of just half. You did the right thing." You reassured, putting the cap back on the bottle of disinfectant before you grabbed the roll of bandages from the kit.

Rick didn't say anything as he stared down at his hand while you gently began to wrap the clean bandage around the deep cut on his palm. How he managed to cut himself like that was a question you didn't want answered.

"There. That should do it." You announced a minute later once the bandage was secure.

Rick clenched and unclenched his hand in a fist testing it out and you were about to tell him not to do that before he started to speak.

"I don't know how long those walls will hold."

Hearing the fear in your father's voice was something you hated. Rick was always so strong, always the brave one, but right now he was terrified and the fact that he was showing this emotion in front of you was rare.

"The walkers are spread right around the community. They're not all pushing against one spot, right? So, it'll be fine." You insisted with fake confidence.

You had no idea if those walls would hold either, but Rick needed some kind of reassurance right now, so you were going to give it to him.

"We keep people inside the community quiet, so we don't draw the dead to one part of the wall. If we do that, those walls will hold long enough for Daryl and the others outside to come back and lure them away. That's the plan."

Your father nodded, "okay. That could work."

"It will work." You corrected, reaching forward and resting your hand on his knee. "Now you need to go out there and speak to the community. Deanna isn't in the right headspace at the moment, you need to be the leader."

"Let's go then." He said, standing up from the edge of the bath.

You quickly packed away the first aid kit under the kitchen sink before dashing upstairs and grabbing your weapons belt. You took your handgun from the back of your waistband and secured it in the holster attached to the belt before double checking that your hunting knife was in the sheath and once you were satisfied that everything was in place, you went back downstairs.

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