Part 7

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Taking out the Saviours at their satellite base didn't go as smoothly as planned, but it still worked.

The Saviours were dead. They couldn't hurt the Hilltop any longer and now Alexandria was able to trade supplies with them.

Within a couple of weeks, Alexandria had gone from having limited food and supplies to having nearly too much. The storage garage was stocked to the brim and the garden Maggie had planted was flourishing. Fresh tomatoes and carrots were already being harvested, the other vegetables and fruits not too far behind.

Alexandria was thriving.

"Morning Y/N." Denise greeted walking into the infirmary with a bright smile.

"Someone's happy." You observed, looking up from the notepad in your hand.

Denise's smile brightened at your words, her cheeks flushing a little as she ducked her head.

"Tara and Heath are due back in a few days from their two-week run."

"Ah. That makes sense." You nodded. "Bet you can't wait to see her again."

Tara and Denise made a cute couple. They suited each other perfectly and you knew how much Denise was missing her girlfriend. If you had been apart from Daryl for that long, you'd be missing him like crazy.

"I can't wait." She confirmed, still smiling as she looked down at the notepad in your hands. "You making a list of supplies we need?"

You nodded, "Daryl, Rosita and I are heading out for a quick supply run. Figured I'd get a list of stuff we're low on and go with them."

"Oh, cool. Um..." Denise began to say before trailing off.

You looked over at the other woman to find her biting her thumb nail almost anxiously before she turned away and began going through the medicine cabinet to help add to the list.

"What is it?" You asked carefully knowing she wanted to say something but clearly needed a small push.

She grabbed one of the bottles before holding it up and you nodded writing it down on the list before she put it back and sighed.

"I... I want to go on the supply run."

Her words caught you off guard as you scribbled the last few letters down before looking up at her in surprise. Denise had never gone on a supply run before. Hell, you weren't even sure she had left the walls of Alexandria since she arrived here whenever that was.

She never showed any interest of wanting to get out. She liked the safety of the walls which was totally understandable, so you were confused as to why she suddenly wanted to go out.

"Why?" You asked cautiously because the thought of her going outside the walls did not sit right with you.

She could get hurt out there. She wasn't entirely defenceless, but she wouldn't hold up well in a fight against the living or the dead.

"Someone has to stay here at the infirmary. We both can't go, and I know you, Daryl and Rosita have had this run planned for a few days now, but... I really want to go, and I know a good place."

You stared at the blonde woman for a few seconds unsure what to do before you reluctantly nodded, and she grinned.

"If the others agree to take you, then okay. I'll stay back and hold down the fort." You answered motioning to the infirmary around you. "C'mon. Let's go talk to them."

Denise followed you out the building without hesitation and before long you found Daryl and the boys by his motorcycle in front of your house.

Ricky and Dean both wanted to go on the supply run. Initially, you had flat out refused. It was dangerous out there and you wanted them to be safe, but at the same time, they were older now.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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