The Hogwarts Express

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Arthur's POV
"Thanks for the ride," I called over my shoulder to my witch neighbor. She smiled and gestured for me to hurry on the train. The whistle blew and I scramble onto the train. I looked around. Most of the compartments were full already. I frowned.

From behind me I heard a compartment door open. I turned. The grinning face of Morgana Pendragon poked out of a compartment. "Come in here," she said opening the door wider. She is my sister and a third year Slytherin. I'm a second year Gryffindor.

Our neighbor, a witch, rents a car and drives us to the platform every year because our father, Uther, is a teacher at Hogwarts.

I walked into the compartment and threw my trunk above the seat with my broom. I scooted around Morgana's owl's cage and sat down. Her owl stared at me with wide yellow eyes. To be honest that thing freaked me out.

Morgana closed the compartment door and sat down across from me, grinning. I stared out the window. The train would be leaving in one minute and people were still pouring into train station.

Suddenly I heard a sharp rapping on the door. I turned and rolled my eyes. "Come in," I sighed.

"Thanks," said Merlin, a black haired Ravenclaw second year. He is scrawny and to be honest I have no idea how he got Ravenclaw. He plopped down on the seat next to me and set down his owl cage at his feet.

"Hello, Merlin," I grumbled.

He grinned crookedly, "Hello, Arthur." "And Morgana," he added.

She smiled at him and took out a book to read. Merlin started talking to me about his summer. It was dreadfully boring so I decided to watch the people passing the compartment's window.

I saw a few other classmates. Chris, a Hufflepuff fourth year, and his brother David, a Ravenclaw third year. Behind them I saw what I was assuming was their little brother, Matt. I'd heard a lot about him in the great hall. They were a weird family but they were nice enough.

A bit later I saw some of their friends, probably looking for them.

"Hey Merlin," I said breaking my gaze from the window, "what time is it?"

He stopped talking about whatever he was going on about and looked at his watch. "Just about time to leave the station," he said.

I nodded and looked out the compartment door. The trains whistle blew and the train lurched into movement. As it started a girl stumbled into view of the compartment. She had long brown curly hair and dark eyes.

She knocked on the door lightly. I got up and opened the door. I got up and let her in. "Thanks!"she said brightly.

"Erm your welcome," I said numbly while staring into her big, beautiful, brown eyes... "Uh yea! No problem!" I said louder this time. I shoved Merlin off to the side to make room for the girl.

She laughed and sat down next to me. "So," I said nervously, "what's your name?"

"Gwen," she said. "And you are Arthur Pendragon?"

I nodded slowly. "How did you know that?" I asked.

"I'm in your year! I remember you from the sorting! I never saw the hat decide a house so quickly!" she said excitedly.

I nodded and smiled. The hat had chosen Gryffindor for me very quickly.

She turned towards my sister. "And your Morgana! Oh your so pretty! I heard you are one of the best in your class!" she gushed.

Morgana looked up from her book and blushed, "Oh thank you."

They continued to talk. Eventually one of my friends, Leon, came to hang out with me until the train got to school.

Natasha's POV
I lugged my huge trunk above the seat and plopped down below it. I brushed my short red hair out of my face and turned towards my best friend, Clint.

He is a second year like me, but he's in Gryffindor, unlike me, I'm in Ravenclaw.

He has short cropped hair and tan skin. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember.

"How was your summer?" he inquired.

I grinned, "You should know! You were there almost the whole time!"

He smiled and shrugged. I opened my mouth to say more when something when my attention was drawn to the door where two boys were searching for an empty compartment.

I got up and slid open the door. "Hey over here," I called leaning out the door after them. The one in front turned. He had blonde hair and muscular arms. He started walking over and I instantly wished he hadn't. I sighed.

The boy walked in a confident manner and smiled broadly as he sat down in or compartment. "Hello, Thor," I sighed.

"Greetings, Natasha and Clint," he said in his abnormally low voice.

Clint nodded at him as a dark haired boy slunk into the compartment.

I looked at him questioningly. If never seen this kid before. He was pale and had long black hair. A smirk played across his lips as he sat down next to Thor.

"Good day," he said formally, "I'm Loki, Thor's brother."

One look at that kid and I could tell, he was trouble.

Matt's (11th Doctor) POV
The moment the train started I got excited. This would be my first year at Hogwarts. My two older brother currently at Hogwarts were David, Ravenclaw 3rd year, and Chris, Hufflepuff 4th year. No one in my family had ever been a Slytherin. I hoped beyond hope I wouldn't be the first.

The moment i found a compartment with my friends my two brother abandoned me. I sat down and threw my trunk above me. Rory plopped down next to me an nervously wrung his hands. He'd been worried about the sorting for the whole summer. Across from me was Amy and next to her was Clara.

Amy brushed her bright red hair out of her eyes and smiled widely. "Rory," she said excitedly, "what house do you want to be in?!"

He shrugged, "Gryffindor maybe. Or Hufflepuff. I don't know really."

She nodded happily not noticing his lack of excitement. I swear all color had left his face. He was very, very nervous for the sorting.

Amy turned on Clara. "What about you?" she said.

Clara smiled, "Oh Ravenclaw defiantly!"

Amy smiled and ohhhhh-ed. "I want Gryffindor," she explained.

"What about you, Matt?" she said.

I shrugged, "Well Gryffindor."

"Cool," she said leaning back and relaxing at last.

I looked over at Rory who smiled wearily at me. I nudged him, "You'll be fine."

He nodded and smiled.

Suddenly the compartment door burst open. A girl with wild curls ran in. She wiped her head around making her curls bounce and fly. I stared. I'd never seen hair so mesmerizing.

She looked at us all in turn. finally she said, "Would it be alright for me to sit in here?"

I just stared blankly, my mouth slightly open. Clara and Amy stifled laughter. Rory shook his head at me and smiled, "Yeah you can sit in here."

She grinned, "Thanks. My name is River Song."

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