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"Aw shit." Raph tsked, holding up the mauve yarn. "Dropped a stitch." He glanced up as he back tracked the pattern, needles clacking

 Eyes daring any of his brothers to say shit.

Mikey licked a thumb, rubbing it against finger and throwing down a card. 

"Go fish." His gaze narrowed on Donnie.

The taller brother leaned back, grabbing from the stack. A wicked smirk crossing his face as he looked up.

"No." Mikey whined.

"Fish, fish." Donnie began, holding up his pair of four's. "Got my wish."

Mikey groaned as Donnie tossed his cards down. "Why're you always so good at card games?"

"He cheats." Leo offered, swirling his tea as he flipped a page in his novel, rocking back in his chair. Wincing as the kids screeched from the living room.

"Keep it down!" Leo hollered, echoed by Donnie and Mikey.

The three exchanged startled looks as Raph snorted.

"Just toss 'em in the hashi like Dad did with us." He offered, fingers speeding through his pattern.

"Fuck no." Leo's lip curled. "I don't judge Dad for what he did-" He amended quickly at Raph's side eye.

"Yeah." Mikey wasn't paying attention to his hand, Donnie took the opportunity to crane over the table and peek. "Tony's way too old anyway."

"And the twins are far too young." Donnie added as Mikey snapped back around. Too late. Donnie was looking at brother with a flat expression settled back in his seat.

"It did us good." Raph pointed out, needles clicking faster, a little defensive.

"But we're not them." Leo motioned to the children in the living room.

"They're… softer." Donnie attempted, setting down a pair from his hand, down to three cards.

Mikey's fingers tightened around his eleven. Jaw worked as he glared up at Donnie. "Are you eating the fucking cards or something?"

The table quieted as all eyes turned to the youngest brother in equal parts disbelief and mirth.

"Really?" Donnie tsked, casually perusing his hand. "Didn't take you for a sore loser, Angelo." Lips smacked. "Do you have an Ace?" Hazel eyes flickered as a smug, lopsided smile crossed Donnie's face slowly.

"Eat." Mikey pulled a card from his hand. "Shit." He enunciated, tossing the card.

Donnie caught it with his free hand, throwing down his match. "Do you have…" eyes roved Mikey's snarling face. "A five?"

Mikey growled. Throwing the card down on the table. Donnie added his own to it and moved it to his pile of matches. Nearly half the deck.

"Now," Donnie leaned back, last card held precariously in his fingers.

Leo exchanged a look with Raph. No matter how often this happened, it was always entertaining. 

"I know you don't have this, but I have to ask."

Mikey bristled.

"Do you have a six?" Donnie picked at a nail on his free hand as Mikey shook his head.

"Go fish." Ground out between clenched teeth.

"I'm so sorry, dear brother." Donnie casually took from the pile. Glanced up.

"Don't." Mikey shrugged, falling back in his chair. "Just don't."

"Are you suggesting I lie?" Donnie exaggerated, fingers pressed to his t-shirt. "I would never." He held up his last two cards. "Fish." Head waggled. "Fish." Lips exaggerated the shape of each word. "I got my wish."

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