Chapter 50

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When Suhana reached at her home, Namita was there. Suhana was confused what Namita was doing here at this time. Namita looked at Suhana and said, "Suhana, you came."

Suhana sat on sofa in front of her and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Namita smiled, "Your brother in law has to attend business meeting that's why he left me here. When meeting will finish, he will pick me up."

Suhana nodded and said, "I am going to my room for change."

Mrs Trivedi asked, "Did you eat or I will cook for me."

Suhana refused, "I already eat at office. I am full now." She stood up and left to her room.

After few minutes, Namita also stood and said Mrs Trivedi, "Mom, I have to talk her." and she also went to Suhana's room.

When Namita came, Suhana already changed into pajama. She was folding clothes. Suhana looked Namita and asked, "Sis"

Namita came and sat on bed. She took the clothes into her hand which she worn when she came. Namita knew it was not Suhana' s clothes and asked, "Where did you buy it?" It was hand made clothes which was expensive.

Suhana was stunned because she didn't know how to reply Namita. Sugana could told Namita about Kavish now. They started to date just now and Suhana didn't know how her family react after knowing her relationship with Kavish. Although, her parents want she would marry soon but Kavish is belong to different society than them. She knew her parents best that's why it's better to wait till their relationship will become strong.

Suhana lied without looking Namita, "Actually, it's my colleague's. I stayed last night at office that's why she let me borrow it."

Even, Namita didn't believe her but she didn't ask further. If Suhana was in relationship, it's good. Her parents have not many requirements for their children's spouse except their children will be happy in their life.

When Kamya married to Manish, Manish's family financial situation was like them but Manjsh was ambitious person. He grew slowly and steadily. Now he was in political position where everyone respected towards him.

Namita married Rajeev whose family was in business that's why Rajeev took over his family  business. Rajeev's family financial condition much better than theirs. But their parents never objected even Rajeev's parents made difficulty for them. They supported their relationship because Namita wanted to marry Rajeev and Rajeev promised them he will take care of her and never let her suffer. Till now Rajeev kept his promise. Sometimes Namita made difficulty for him but he never complained. He always supports her.

Namita was sure even if Suhana would be in relationship, their parents would support her.

Suhana put the clothes in laundry basket as she would wash the clothes next morning. After that, she also sat on bed.

Namita asked with hesitation, "Suhana, are you in contact with Mr Singh." After the incident on restaurant and Singh Group worked with Rajeev's company, Namita and Suhana didn't talk about Kavish. Namita didn't know what's going on between Suhana and Kavish. Suhana didn't say anything and Namita didn't want to insist her. Even, they were sisters and worried for each other but they were not so close that they shared everything to each other. There were many things they didn't know about each other.

After hearing it, Suhana was shocked, 'Did she know something?' But how is it possible?' Suhana always careful about it.

Suhana calm down herself and asked, " Why are you asking?"
Namita looked at her and said, "Actually you know about brother in law's matter. It's very tricky matter. Rajeev is trying to help but he was saying there are powerful force behind other party. That's why even his connections are not useful. But he said Mr Singh has many powerful connections. If he is ready to help, brother-in-law's case will be solve soon. I know brother-in-law refused to talk him but brother-in-law always treats you better than us. If you can talk to Mr Singh....."

Suhana also knew about it. She wanted to help but last time brother-in-law refused her. She thought brother-in-law could handle himself that's why he refused. Actually, she also wanted to talk Kavish about it but she was hesitant. She thought if she would ask him to help, Kavish would think she was taking advantage of him. She didn't want their relationship would be based on benefits otherwise in future, their relationship will ruin. That's why she didn't take initiative to talk Kavish about it. If brother-in-law could solve himself, it would be better.

After thinking a while, Suhana nodded, "Ok, I will talk to Kamya di tomorrow. Let's see what she says. If I can't talk to Mr Singh directly, there is Sameer. He can help."

Namita nodded with excitement, "Yeah, right, why didn't think about him? It's better to talk Sameer." Namita knew Kavish was not right person to talk but she decided to ask Suhana because she wanted to Manish's case would be solve soon. Suhana didn't know but other party is dangerous. It's better not to take risk. Last night, Rajeev told her other party threatened to Manish. But Namita couldn't tell Suhana that's why Namita decided to ask Suhana help to Kavish.

Suhana didn't know the matter was do serious that's why she decided to talk Kamya before asking help to Kavish. If she knew the matter is serious, she would not hesitate.

Namita and Suhana talked to other matters for few minutes. Rajeev finished his meeting that's why he came to take Namita their home.

The next day, Suhana called to Kamya in her break time.

When kanya answered the call, Suhana asked, "Di, how is brother-in-law's matter. Did it solve? Otherwise I can ask help Mr Singh?" Kamya was shocked that Suhana was asking it. She didn't expected it. Manish already refused to say anything to Suhana. Everyone knew who is Mr Singh. He is dangerous person. Manish didn't want to involve Suhana in this matter.

Kamya lied, "Suhana, your brother-in-law will handle it. Mom told me you are working over time. She is worried for you. When will you start to take care yourself?"

Suhana pretended she didn't hear last part and said, "But Namita sis said Its hard to handle the matter. Di, brother-in-law doesn't want me ask to
Mr Singh. I can ask to Sameer. You know Sameer is working in Singh Group. He may be help." Suhana was only making excuse that she would ask Sameer. Because she knew why brother-in-law didn't want her to ask Kavish. Manish didn't know she and Kavish are in relationship and she couldn't tell them now that's why she make excuse of Sameer. If Kamya agrees, Suhana will directly ask Kavish when she will meet him today.

Kamya thought about it for while. Suhana was right Sameer could help. After thinking pro and cos, Kamya said, "Manish is trying. If there would not any solution in one month, I will tell you. But don't take action yourself. Your brother-in-law's matter is not simple. If you take action without discussion us, it may be backfire. Do you understand?"

Suhana also knew it that's why she agreed, "Ok di, tell me when you need me. May be, I can help."

After talking a while, Suhana hung up the call and called Namita. Suhana told Namita what she and Kamya talked. Namita also agreed.

Suhana decided to go Kavish's office at lunch break because she wanted to work late evening. She send text to Kavish that she would come at lunch break.

Other side, Kavish wanted she would come at evening after her office as he could spend more time with her. Even, he could drop her that's why he had a meeting in afternoon but when he received her message. He postponed the meeting later.

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