Chapter 3

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Lisa pov

It's 5:00am now, but it's still quite dark outside. I got up out of my bed and look at the vial of red bubbling liquid standing inoccently on my bedside table. I have a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach when I look at it. I am still so angry at my father for springing this mission on my when he knows that I hate humanity so deeply, even setting one toe into the human world will make me want to brutally kill any human I meet.

I continue to stare at the vial, deciding whether to drink it and ignore my mission and just kill every human in sight. My focus is broken when I hear heavy knocks on my door.

"come in" I say cooly. The large, heavy door creaked open revealing jisoo. "Lisa have you drank the liquid yet?" jisoo asked. "no, I haven't" I said. "why? You know you can't refuse uncle's command" jisoo said as she put her hand on my shoulder forcefully turning me around to face her. I look at her and saw that she is a less pale and slightly more human looking. Jisoo is  wearing glasses, a white baggy t-shirt and grey sweatpants.

"I see you have already drank it" I said as I was taken aback by her appearance. "yes I have, well aren't you going to drink yours" jisoo asked. "I'm not sure I want to even do this I really want to kill the human hunters not just gather information on them" I answer coldly. " I know how you feel at first I didn't want to do this, but I thought about it. If we just straight up murder them then we prove to them that vampires are cruel, murderous monster's, so if we do observe and gather information we will know what makes the hunters tick and once we tell this info to uncle then the entire family can help us wipe  the hunters off the face of the earth, this will be so much easier than just us killing them, plus we are still young vampires we aren't strong enough to kill everyone" jisoo explained softly.

I thought for a moment taking in everything she said. "I guess your right chu" I smiled softly and turned and picked up the vial. I popped off the lid and downed it. I felt a strong burning sensation down my throat and after a few seconds my body begins to feel hot and I feel warm, wet droplets of my skin. "YAHH! Jisoo! What's happening to me why am I so hot and what are these wet droplets on my skin" I panic. "Lisayah don't panic your just sweating it's normal, it's one of the side effects" jisoo said while holding on to both of my shoulders. "how the fuck do you know the side effects" I asked feeling nauseated now. Jisoo face palmed and said "I literally just expirienced them you stupid monkey". I rolled my eyes.

After a few minutes I felt better but something seemed off. I rushed to my ensuite bathroom leaving jisoo in my room. I looked in the mirror and saw that my skin wasn't deathly white. I checked if I could switch to my vampire form. Turns out I could.

I slowly walked back into my room.
"yah Lisayah you OK now?" asked jisoo, her eyes filled with concern. "yes... I am now" I replied slowly. "good now get dressed in something smiler to me and come meet me in the garden I want to test we can really walk in the sun" jisoo left.

I did as she said, I dressed in a black hoodie, black sweatpants and glasses. Then I went to the garden.

*The garden*

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*The garden*

It's currently 6:30 am and the sun is beginning to rise. "right let's test this out" jisoo said optimistically. Jisoo went first, she cautiously went  to a spot where the sunlight was and wasn't instantly set on fire. Jisoo hopped about celebrating "It works! Yay!" she shouted gleefully. I smiled slightly. Then stepped out into the sun myself. It felt quite strange but didn't get set on fire. I turned to jisoo and said "well it worked chu but what do we do now?".

"well I guess we just pack our stuff then go see uncle because he messaged me saying that there is something important he must show us that's for the mission" answered jisoo nonchalantly. I nod and we both go and pack our stuff. And go to my father's office.

We enter and my father greets us kindly. "Hello my girls! come sit u have something to show you.
" what is it? " I ask.

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