Chapter 1- Stranger in my house.

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~Katie's point of view~

I woke up to a dark room. As my eyes opened, I took my phone and checked what the time was. It was 2:34 AM. I went out of my room and and heard the loud pouring of the rain as I headed straight to the kitchen to eat something, since my stomach was grumbling. I opened the cupboard to see a bag of Doritos. I approached the fridge and felt the cold air touch my chest as I got a glass of ice cold water. I took the food and went back to my room. I opened the Doritos and lied on my bed as I heard the doorbell ring. Who would be visiting at this time? I was really late. I went downstairs and took my wrench in case of a serial killer or anything. As I opened the door, I came to see a soaking wet guy with dark hair while wearing a black shirt, black jeans and a black leather jacket on him while is brown eyes glistened.

"Hi, I'm Zayn. Can I stay for the night? It was raining and this was the closest house I could approach." He smiled and shrugged at me while he pulled his hair back as he continued to shiver.

"Sure, but you take the couch. Okay?" I replied not knowing half of what I said was letting a stranger in, as I let the soaked guy in. I felt pity for him.

"Thanks. Say, do you have comfy clothes for men that I could change in?" He asked me, making the awkwardness build up in the room.

"Yeah. I'll get them for you. They used to be my dad's." I answered, as I closed the front door. Hey, he isn't that suspicious.

"Used to be? Isn't your father here?" He questioned me in a serious tone.

"Uh..He..He died in a car crash. Luckily, I didn't." I replied as I pulled my shirt collar down to show him my scar I got from that horrendous accident.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hur-" He tried to apologize, but I cut him off.

"It's fine. Go upstairs and take a shower. I hate mopping the floor." I answered, as I approached the stairs to get his pajamas in dad's room.

As I entered dad's room, I took a plain white shirt and some blue pajama pants. Before I got out,I saw a letter with a black bow laced to it. It was from dad. Addressed to me, before getting back downstairs, I rushed to my room to get my phone and put the letter in my nightstand for safe keeping. As I got down the stairs, I immediately headed to the kitchen to make my visitor some food. I prepared him some Mushroom soup.

As I was fixing his food, I heard his footsteps race down the stairs. As I glanced to look at him, he was only wearing a towel. Wow, that's more than a handful of tattoos there.

"Here are your clothes, by the way, I'm Katie." I said, as I handed him his clothes while I tried to avoid looking at his half-naked body.

"Thanks Katie" He replied, as he went back upstairs to change.

"Come back down to eat. Okay?" I shot back, before he entirely left the room.

After I finished preparing Zayn's food, I went to the couch to sit. As I was scrolling on my phone, I realized, why am I letting a stranger run around my house? Was I drunk? Oh well, I already did so there's no turning back now. Zayn went back downstairs to eat. As he was eating, my mind dozed off and felt myself fall asleep on the couch.

~Next Morning~

As I woke up, I saw a guy sleeping on the carpet on the living room floor. I remember last night. I shook him a bit, but he didn't wake up. So, stood up and went upstairs to the bathroom to freshen up. Seriously, I look like shit today. Leaving the bathroom, I headed back downstairs to see Zayn waking up.

"Hello Katie. Could I spend the week here?" He asked, while sitting up on the floor.

"Yeah. I'm really sorry for making you sleep there." I replied in a sad voice while sitting next to Zayn. Hey, he
didn't do anything shady so why not let him stay for the week?

"It's fine." He replied, giving me a wide smile.

"Why do you ask by the way?" I questioned him while looking at his amazing features.

"My family. They didn't want me at home." He answered in a sad voice, as he pulled his hair back.

"You know what? They don't understand you. Let them be." I replied, as I tried to cheer him up.

"Thanks." He replied, while looking at me with a great smile.

I stood up from the floor and picked my phone up from the couch and put it my pocket. Heading upstairs to my room, I left Zayn on the couch and went up to my room. As I entered, I locked my door and took my knife under my bed. I opened my jewelry box and hid it there. Yes, I'm suicidal. I'm fucking depressed. I have anxiety attacks. I have bipolar disorder. You know why? It's because I'm fed up of all the hatred and sorrow in my bloody life. I act normal just to fit in. I'm not and never planning on telling anyone about this anytime soon. My talent? Fake smiling. As I got slapped by reality, I went back to where Zayn was and heard him talking to someone called Liam on the phone. It isn't nice to snoop on other people's phone calls.

After his phone call, I sat down on the floor again and asked him we could play a game to kill the boredom.

"Hey wanna play 5 questions?" I asked him

"Sure, no problem. Besides, it's really boring." He shot back, looking into my grayish-bluish eyes.

"Okay. Full name." I asked. Not knowing that my question was shitty.

"Zayn Javaad Malik. Your turn." He replied, looking at me.

"Katherine Midge Morgan." I replied, halfheartedly.

"Any hobbies? I love drawing, graffiti art and singing" He asked me and gave me a warm smile.

"I like writing. Okay, birthday?" I replied in a monotonous tone as the boredom started to strike again.

"January twelve. You?" He asked, facing me.

"July twenty-eight." I answered him as I gave him a smile.

"Alright love, best thing that ever happened to you. The best for me is when I made my dad proud." He asked, as his British accent showed.

"Uh, there's nothing goo- I got my driver's license?" I replied, feeling ashamed of that answer I just gave. I thought to my self. Hey, this guy wasn't that bad. He's cool. He's like a brother.

"That's alright love. Maybe it's just waiting for you. Okay, last question. Worst fear and worst experience." He replied, as he beamed at me.

Oh shit. These were the kinds of questions I were afraid of answering. That horrifying accident traumatized me to the highest level. Fears? God there were so many. Worst experience? There's a shit ton of that. I feel like an anxiety attack was coming up. Oh god. My head was throbbing. My mind was preoccupied. My whole body was shaking. I was shivering. Before anything else terrible was about to happen, I stood up and ran to my room as I felt the tears run down my face. Zayn ran after me but luckily, I managed to shut my bedroom door before he could get in. I sat down on the floor, continuing to cry as I heard Zayn bang on the door while yelling my name.As I approached my dresser to get some tissues, I felt my body collapse on the floor as the sound of Zayn's voice faded to my senses.

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