1. i am a lier

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The ride into town is silent apart from my thoughts. It's dark out, I should have left home earlier. Cade, my fiance, wanted to come with, but I insisted he stay.

I am a lier. Everything I told him about my home town was a lie. I told him I was boy crazy with a million friends which couldn't be farther from the truth. I lost my virginity sophomore year drunk after a party. that was the only interaction with boys I had until I met Cade.

And I Definitely didn't have a bunch of friends. I had one- technically. We were two kids that didn't have friends that had nothing in common but sat together at lunch so we wouldn't be alone.

I only lied because I never planned on coming back. I moved so that I could start over, be who I wanted to be not what everyone saw me as.

I pull over at a gas station to fill up. While in im the parking lot i call the number for The Wreck and put in an order for three burger meals and two extra burgers. I figured id get John b something because I haven't seen him in forever. Jj and him used to be together every second so I played it safe and got another for him.

The extra burgers are because of the off chance John b has more than just jj over. John B doesn't know im coming-sorta. I was supposed to be coming in two weeks but I couldn't imagine the thing John b would do with two weeks and an empty house, his education is already fucked.

The Wreck is just as busy as it used to be. I dodge around a couple people to get to where I needed to be. Kiara, a friend of john b, stands behind the counter, her face dropping when she sees me.

"Your back in town? Is it because of your father?" She gives me a sympathetic look."I got a call saying if my dad doesn't show up in the next month, because I'm 19 I will become his legal guardian until he's 18" I shrug. That's only four months away so I don't know why it's such a big deal.

"I cant imagine how this is affecting you" Kiara hands me my order and I pay her. "hows john b doing?" I flip the question. "He seems alright but i think hes scared of being vulnerable" she cringes. "Thank you" i smile, stuffing my wallet back in my purse. "I hope you have a good night" she gives me soft smile.

When I get to the house it seems pretty dead. The yard is trashed, beer cans everywhere. I'm not surprised. I knock twice before just walking in, it's my home too technically.

I'm slapped in the face with the smell of garbage. This place is a mess. The garbage in over flowing, the dishes are moldy. you can't even see the counter.

"John b" I yell into the house. "Its bella, I'm home" I close the door behind me and walk over to the counter. I clear a small space for the bag of food and drinks to go.

John b appears in the hall looking like he just woke up. "Oh I didn't meant to wake you-" "I did it" jj followed closely behind him. I smile slightly over the fact that I was right.

"I know it's kinda late but I didn't know when the last you guys ate so I got you guys burgers. They almost sprint over and tear into the bag. "There's also two extra burgers in here if you guys want them" I stick the bag in the fridge only to find it empty.

The only thing in the fridge is an expired bottle of ketchup and a wrapped slice of cheese. My dad's been gone for a month "What happened here guys" I ask turning to them.

They exchange looks while their mouths are full. When john b swollowed he said "Well we were already low on groceries before dad went missing. We don't have jobs so we've just kinda been living of those." "Rationing" jj said half jokingly.

"And what about the rest of the house?" I take a bite of my burger. "That was our last garbage bag, we have no dish soap, the broom broke and like we said, no money" jj shook his head. Honestly I didn't know what to say.

"You guys have school in the morning yeah?" My question was met my mhms. "You guys look like you need to shower and-" "dad never paid the water bill" John b sighed. I take a deep breath.

"Okay, then finish eating and go to bed, ill figure something out" "we were gonna stay home tomorrow" Jj shrugged. "John B your attendance is shit. You miss two more days and you can't graduate" I scold him.

"Its fine bella, they don't actually care about that just tell them it's cause I miss my dad and they excuse it" im taken aback by John b using our dad as an excuse. "Youre going to school john b" "okay mom" he rolled his eyes.

"Don't call me that" were both aware that I might become his guardian. I texted him right after I got the call. "Im sorry" he didn't sound sorry.

While the boys slink back to there room I make a couple calls.

I stop by my dad's room. After my mom left my dad's room became over crowed with his treasure work. The only reminents of my mother is the king sized comforter, now over flowing on the full sized bed.

There is barely any wall showing, it's all covered in clues, maps, and paintings. All most as if he's lost is mind. I swollow the lump in my through and leave, closing the door behind me.

When I reach my old door. I'm fully expecting to see more treasure memorabilia. I'd be surprised if he kept anything I left.

When I open the door I'm left speechless. Everything is here. Everything is in the exact place I left it. Even the empty smirnoff bottle jj and I split the night of my grad party.

I dont even close the door behind me before the tears are falling. I lock it and crawl into my bed. They smell like me. Not like now me but like old me. I cry myself to sleep.

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