24. you're bleeding

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On Thursday night john b told me he was going to be gone for the week end. Something about chapel hill. I just assumed the rest of his friend group went with because I haven't seen any of them since

Friday I cleaned my room, similar to how I did my dad's. I got rid of all the memories of high school me. This time I was glad to see it go.

I pulled every thing away from the walls and painted the lavender walls egg shell, changing one to light blue. I put on new bedding and laid a rug. A few small high school things remained but i was glad to have a room that fit me better.

The sun set hours ago but I can't sleep. I toss and turn. I get hot and I strip, I get cold and put the clothes back on.

I decided not to take the job in New york. I spent all saturday typing a paragraph to send. I rettyped it so many times i started caring less and the final project was half assed. I cried about it, and then felt so so relieved.

I texted rafe about dress shopping but he says he was crazy busy all week end. I was slowly realizing how much I wanted a dog.

I was sitting in my bed watching a movie in a shirt and underwear when I hear the door slam. Immediately, I was brought back to the night of the two guys breaking in.

I listened, hoping maybe it was rafe or something. Another slam, this time it sounded like it came from the fridge. I tip toe to my open door and peek down the hall.

It sounds as if someone set something glass on the counter. I tip toe down the hall, realizing I have no pants and have nothing to defend myself.

Then I hear sniffling. When I spot jj I take a deep breath of relief before realizing he looks like he was beat up.

"Are you okay?" I ask, stepping fully into the kitchen. "Shit. Sorry, I didnt know you were home" jj runs a hand down his face. "Where else would i be?" I walk closer, needing to know if he's okay.

"I'm fine" he takes a big drink of the beer infront of him. "What happened?" I reach up to his cut cheek but don't actually touch it. "My dad but it's what ever" it was definitely not whatever.

"Your bleeding" in a few places actually. "I'm fine, you should go back to bed" he places a hand on my upper waist, almost my back as if to guide me back to the hall.

"Let me clean you up" I rest my hand on the arm still extended to touch me. He stares at me for a moment before nodding. I grab his beer, taking a drink before dumping the rest. "Hey-" "its going to make you bleed more" I shake my head.

He follows me to the bathroom. I dig out the first aid kit before hoisting myself into the counter. "What happened?" I ask as I get out what I need. "I took the fall for something pope did, I owe alot of money" he closes his eyes roughly like he's got a head ache.

"How much money?" I motion for him to come closer. He steps between my legs, resting his hands on the counter outside my thighs. "25k-" "Damn" "I know" he sighs. "What did pope do?" I run my hand through jjs hair to get it out of the way.

"He sunk Toppers boat" "jj, you took the tall for that?" I soak a cotton in peroxide. "Pope needs his scholarship. everyone expects me to turn out like my dad anyways" his eyes are glazed over. I stop what I'm doing completly, he can't possibly believe that.

"I don't think you'll turn out anything like him" "but how do you know?" His voice sounded like he wanted to cry. "Cause no matter how hard things get, I don't think you'll let your self get that bad. Plus, you have me" I start to clean the cuts.

He holds still, trying to get it over with faster. His eyes meet mine for a moment before moving and staying focused on the mirror. Even after I put the cotton ball down his eyes never move.

With a gentle finger I apply antibiotic ointment to the cuts, not missing his breath hitch when I touch the one on his lip. Suddenly I was very hot.

Breathing heavily, I tell him I'm done. His eyes find mine again. "Thank you" "of course" I smile softly. We don't move from the position we're in. "I feel like I haven't seen you all week" when he says this his thumb moves to rest on the outside of my thigh.

"I feel like you haven't wanted to see me since your birthday" I say quietly, I knew I wasn't over thinking it. He nods softly, like he's admitting it to himself too. "Are we okay jj? Did I do something?" "Yeah, yes. I just have alot on my plate" he nods, more sure this time.

"You can tell me if I did something, I can fix it-" "Bella you did nothing wrong"his tone was reasurring and gentle but stern. His hand was now fully on my thigh. "Okay" I nod, believing him alittle more now.

I want to stay this close to his forever. My body betrays me and yawns. "You should get some sleep" jj steps away from me, grabbing the trash next to me and tossing it in the can.

"Right" I nod. I hop off the counter and put the first aid kit back. "Actually are you hungry?" I turn to him, not wanting the night to be over. "I could eat" he shrugs. "Let me get some pants on and we can go grab food" I offer.

His face turns bright pink as if he wasn't staring at my ass in the mirror. "Yeah, sure" he nods.

I throw on some shorts and pull my hair into a half assed pony tail. I look terrible, but jjs never cared what I was wearing.

"Ready?" He smiles as I meet him in the living room. "Hell yeah" I laugh, happy to have alittle more of him to myself.

All Of You// JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now