Chapter 14 / Moving on ?

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As he sobs quietly in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror
" what has become of me ?, When did I turn so fragile ? " He thought as he tried wiping the tears that fell on his cheeks but as he wiped the tears, more dropped from his eyes people thought as angelic and gorgeous but all he saw in himself was garbage. He was confident in himself until he met this person who he calls his only hope and fell inlove with him every minute and every second they were talking to each other online. Everytime Yeonjun has finally calmed down and stopped the tears, he remembers the memories and sobs more.

I remember the time when Yeonjun was both handsome and confident, girls would melt as he walked passed them, or the time when, they had to do reporting individually and as the second Yeonjun went up front, two girls gave a look at each other, started giggling and hitting each other and when he was in a good mood, he would wink at them. He was the school's heartrobbe, lots of people had a crush on him but why did he have to fall inlove with a man who only thought of him as a friend ? Sometimes, your heart is more powerful than your brain.

The school bell rings, Yeonjun groaned as he stretched his arms while hurriedly putting the books in his bag. As he was headed to his locker, he notices a person leaning her back against the locker beside his and it was none other than Yeji, the person everyone shipped him with but he gets the actions of the people, they are always seen being with each other 24/7 in school but the relationship they have is 99% platonic, don't get them wrong Yeonjun is bisexual and his attraction to women and men are equal while Yeji is straight, it's just that Yeji isn't Yeonjun's type and Yeonjun isn't Yeji's type either so that's pretty much the explanation.

Yeji quickly got off her phone as she realized Yeonjun was approaching her " Hey Jun ! You look a little agitated than usual ?, What's up ? "

" Nothing serious " Yeonjun answered as he closed his locker aggressively

" Oohhh~ you have a crush ? Y'know, you don't have to be afraid to talk to us about it "

" I know you're just being a good friend and thank you but I just think it's really dumb "

" No? Don't keep your feelings to yourself dude "

" Sure " He responds in a deep tone

Time skip:

: Yeonjun, the school's heartrobbe

Was what the school's student council posted in their group, " Is that the only thing they think about me ? " A tsk sound comes from his mouth

He looked once again at the messages in Instagram, no reply. It seemed like the care in his heart just went in the drain. He was frustrated,confused and just wanted an answer, that was when he decided to just give up completely

" Online friends " 𝗬𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗯𝗶𝗻 / 𝗦𝗼𝗼𝗷𝘂𝗻 Where stories live. Discover now