Chapter 14: Surprise!

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Charles was on the phone taking calls from family and friends back in Monaco.

This was after he and Anita took a long shower together. They are now getting ready to go to the victory party. His team and some of the sponsors are already there and Guilio already called him because people are waiting.

He was in the middle of a call from the President of Sky Italia when Anita came out of the bathroom. He signals that he's on the phone but is wrapping it up. He said goodbye and switched offf the video call. He turned to face Anita again to see that she's almost dressed and she's stunning.

"Can you zip me up?" She looks at him completely oblivious to her effect on him. She then turned her back to his.


"Oh yes, sorry. I got distracted by your dress baby"

"You don't like it?" She pulls her hair up exposing her neck; which he finds really sexy.

"No, it's beautiful. I love it"

"It's a gift from Victoria. It's specifically for when you win here in Vegas. She got me a different dress if you won in Abu Dhabi." she had her back to him so she couldn't see how he was following her every movement. Every move Anita makes teases him.

"Charles?" She turns to look at him and she smiles because she felt his throbbing erection.

"Oh baby. You've got to do something about that if you want to attend your own victory party. We're already late" she teases as she grabs his hard on.

As he zips up Anita's gold mini dress, he brushed his thumb on her scars as he planted soft kisses on her neck

"Remind me to thank Victoria for this dress and I hope it comes with a jacket or anything to cover you up a bit" he whispers to her ear before licking her earlobe

"Oh darling, it comes bare." She teased him some more by grabbing his hand to bring it to her core, letting him feel she's not wearing anything underneath.

" She teased him some more by grabbing his hand to bring it to her core, letting him feel she's not wearing anything underneath

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"Still conservative?"

"Oh yes, you better put something on baby or we're not leaving this room because the things i have planned involves getting you off that dress" he presses his finger in her wet folds causing her to bite her lower lip. He knows his effect on her.

Being around Anita makes him feel human. All these years of racing kind of steel him from having too much emotions because the focus should always be towards winning. He actually loves this change that his life means more than just racing.

Mid thought, she got him distracted again. He noticed how flushed she is. Her cheeks turn the best shade of pink when she's hot. "Hmmm... wait here" as she gives him a kiss before walking back to the bathroom. Meanwhile, he let out a low laugh at how playful Anita is. He had to even his breathing to manage his growing erection.

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