Chapter 16: Long Distance

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He came back after picking up the equipment that Andreas purchased so he can do some exercises while at the hospital. Anita was sleeping when he arrived. He decided to just set up the equipment to do a few reps.

 He decided to just set up the equipment to do a few reps

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He was busy lifting weights when a nurse came in.

"Oh my god. I'm sorry. I'll just come back later" the nurse said. Based on her reaction she probably recognized him. It's a relief to not worry about people posting about them on social media. he made a mental note to thank Victoria for arranging all those NDAs.

"Oh, hi. " he stops to look at the nurse to say that Anita is asleep.

The moment the door closed, Anita opened her eyes. He gave her side glare to see if she was faking her nap.

"Hi, my lady. You had a good nap?"

"Errm. ..Yes, but I have been awake a few mins before the nurse came in. I was just oggling you working out."

Anita was struggling to sit up, given both her hands have IV lines. He walked towards her to help her up.

"Ha-ha! You are what?" He flashed his classic bedimpled smile at Anita

"Oggling. Admiring. Having the hots for your body. Turns out I am not the only one. That nurse also has a crush on you"

He laughs at how relaxed and playful Anita is today. It was a stark contrast to her panic striken mood two days ago.

"I can't believe you are flirting with me now and also jealous of the nurse?" he leans in for a kiss "hello my lady"

She grabs his face for a deeper kiss and her fingers strokes his three day old stubble.

"I am flirting, indeed but jealous? Not quite yet. "as she bites his lower lip to tease him. He smiles before kissing her again.  She holds his head to improve the angle of their kiss before saying "Oh darling, you are sweaty"

"You always like me sweaty" he teased as his hands move to touch her face

"Well, that's true." Her eyes moved to the equipment that he picked up "so Andreas is making you work hard?"

"Yes, for testing next week."

"When do you leave?" He noticed Anita's mood change at the thought of him leaving for Bahrain

"I leave Sunday morning, testing starts on Tuesday." He rests his head on top of hers as he sits at the side of her bed.

She held his hand while playing with his knuckles with her thumb

He lifts their entwined hands to his lips "It's just going to be 8 days then I'll be back for 8 days before flying out to Jeddah"

"You'll fly back here?"

"Of course. I want to be with you. Now let's talk, what do you think of Philip's offer"

"I don't know..." Anita lets out a sigh "we just opened the shop again and Sylvia is just getting a hang of things. But it makes sense to stay in Surrey, I mean I don't think it's wise to go public with the pregnancy, at least for the first or even second trimester. Plus the nausea, I don't think I will be functional anyway"

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