Jc "stalker" Caylen

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We spent the next few hours at La Cantera shopping, it was around 5 pm and we were just about leave when we ran into Jc.

Me: Well heyy Jc if I didn't know any better I'd say you were stalking me.

Jc: Aha and how do I know you're not the one stalking me?

"Now does this look like the face of a stalker?" I said smiling and laughing at the thought of what I said to Angela at the restaurant.

Jc: No, but it does look like the face of someone I would like to hang out with.

Me: Well we were just about to head over to our hotel you guys are more than welcome to come and hang out.

Jc: Well I have some friends coming in from out of town at around 6 so is it cool if they come?

Me: Yeah of course, well text me when you're on your way so I can give you directions.

Ricardo: Oh hey Jannel and Angela!

Me & Angela: Hey!

Ricardo was holding hands with a girl who had long brown hair, I was guessing that was his girlfriend they looked so cute together!

Me: So this must be your girlfriend am I right?

Ricardo: Yeah, this is Brooklyn.

Brooklyn: Hi!

Me: Hi I'm Jannel.

Angela: And I'm Angela!

Brooklyn: Nice to meet you both..so is this the Jannel you've been talking a lot about since Ricardo picked me up from the airport Jc?

I blushed and looked at the ground, she had to be kidding right? Jc would never talk about me because I mean we just met and...and I'm me! There was no way that would happen.

Jc: Aha uh...well uh yeah I'll text you when we're gonna head over.

Me: I'll be waiting..not in a creepy way.. just like I'll be waiting for your text message..

Angela: Haha I think we should go now, we'll see you guys later bye!

Jc, Ricardo, and Brooklyn: Bye!

We walked out of the mall and got into my car, I can't believe I managed to make myself look like an idiot in front of Jc once again.


Thanks for reading! comment on here or on our instagram (@O2LGirls) for the next part -Jannel

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