The big question

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Angela's POV

After talking to Jannel and fixing things I felt a lot better and it felt good to have my bestfriend back. I'm so happy for her and Jc, I went back inside to find Connor doing his hair in the bathroom.

Me: Looking quite sexy Connor!

Connor: Haha gotta look good for all the ladies..or maybe just for one lady.

I could go feel my face get hot so I was probably blushing a lot, hopefully he couldn't tell.

Me: Aww well this "lady" must be pretty special.

I went to sit on the bed and Connor came over to sit with me.

Connor: You know I have to tell you something Angela... I really need to get it off my chest.

Me: Hmm let me guess you're hungry right?!

I turned around to get my phone from the nightstand so we could leave, I turned back to face Connor I never noticed but his eyes are so this is what it must be like when Jannel has those cute moments with Jc.

Connor: I like you Angela.

I put my arms around his neck and smiled "I like you too Connor." He smiled and laughed.

Connor: So I have a special "date" planned lets go!

This couldn't be happening it all seemed so surreal, nothing could be more perfect. I thought about how we only had a couple of more days here in San Antonio, but I brushed off those thoughts because I wanna enjoy every minute of being here.

Jc's POV

Jannel looked at me questioningly waiting for what I was about to ask her.

Jannel: Now would be about the time where you'd ask me that question haha.

Me: First I wanna take you somewhere.

Jannel: Ok well lets go!

We went down to the lobby and walked out into the parking lot, I rushed over to the passengers side of my car and opened the door for Jannel.

Jannel: Thanks, good to know chivalry still exists.

Me: Haha so I talked to Trevor and we're not meeting up till 4.

Jannel: Oh ok so we have about 2 hours to kill?

Me: Pretty much I figured we'd go get ICEE's and just hang out.

Jannel: Okay yeah.

Today was definitely gonna change everything.

Jannel's POV

We pulled into a 7-11 and got our ICEE's then went to a park, we sat on top of a hill and just talked for a while.

Jc: So remember how I told you I had something to ask you?

Me: Yeah.

Jc: Well...give me your ICEE cup.

Me: My ICEE cup? Haha for what?

Jc: You'll see.

I handed him my ICEE cup and he pulled out a sharpie marker from his pocket and begin to write something. When he was done he handed me the cup and the marker and told me to read what he had written.

Me: You couldn't just tell me? I mean now I have to read it.

Jc: Haha the struggle! Just read it I promise it'll be worth it.

I turned the cup around and began reading what he wrote. At the bottom was two little boxes one saying yes and the other no, I check marked one of the boxes and smiled then handed him the cup.

Me: You do know I leave in a few days right?

Jc: Yeah...lets just make the most of it while you're still here though.

I rested my head on his shoulder while staring out into the distance, I really was gonna miss all of this once I had to leave.

Jc: Well it's 3:30 we should probably start heading over to the restaurant we're meeting at.

We walked back to Jc's car and headed straight to the restaurant, we got there and walked over to where everyone was sitting.

Brooklyn: Well if it isn't the love birds!

Jc: Now you can actually say that.

Connor: What do you mean?

Me: Oh you didn't know?

Ricky: Didn't know what?

Olivia: Oh my gosh! Are you guys finally the B word and the G word!?!

I shook my head smiling and all the girls ran up to me screaming.

Angela: Finally!

Julianna: Aw I'm so happy for you guys!

Kian: Is anyone else completely lost?

Sam: Yeah I still don't get what's happening.

Jc: Haha Jannel is my girlfriend now


This is for Shelby because she wanted me to hurry up and post ok bye. -Jannel

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