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The Laminax Facility was engulfed in darkness, leaving its inhabitants scared and confused. But something had changed - instead of an ominous roar, the hallways echoed a chilling laughter from Lynea, who was nowhere to be seen.

Everyone had the same thought in their mind - what did she have planned next? The answer arrived a moment later, in the form of a single crackle of electric ringing in the air. Silence blanketed the facility for what felt like hours. No one moved, no one breathed, no one dared to think of what would happen next.

The darkness continued to envelop the Laminax Facility and its inhabitants. When the bolts had cleared and the echoes of Lynea's laughter died down, everyone began to ask questions - Who is she? What was her motive? How did she gain such power over the Facility?

As the answers to these questions remain unanswered, Lynea's last words reverberated throughout the halls.


Thorne raced through the pitch-black facility, calling out desperately for Lynea. It was she who had caused the blackout - Thorne didn't want to believe it, but deep down he knew it had to be true.

"Lynea! Where are you? We have to talk!"

He frantically stumbled through the halls, trying to get a sense of direction through the endless black. All of a sudden, he spotted a dim light down the hall. Thinking that it might be his friend, he rushed towards it.

He was almost at the light when he heard a loud cackle from somewhere close. "Oh Thorne, did you really think you'd find me?" said a familiar voice.

"Lynea! What is going on? You can't keep doing this! There's no way that any good can come of it," Thorne yelled as he frantically searched for her in the darkness.

Lynea stepped out of the shadows, revealing herself. Her eyes had an evil glow, and Thorne felt a chill down his spine. "It's too late for that," she said. "I'm done playing your silly games. This is what I have to do. This is my destiny."

Thorne stared at his once beloved friend, desperate for a way to help her. He knew deep down that whatever it was that Lynea had been doing was wrong, and that he had to do something. He could only hope that it wasn't too late.

Suddenly, something clicked inside him. A way to reach her - he was sure of it. Taking a deep breath, he spoke.

"Lynea, I know what it's like to be driven by a destiny - it can be hard, but that doesn't mean you can't be your own person, too. Don't forget who you are. We can still fix this - together."

The air seemed to thicken around them, as though Lynea was considering what he said. Then, ever so slowly, a smile crossed her face. Thorne held his breath - could it really be that he had finally gotten through to her?

The moment was short-lived, however, as Lynea quickly composed herself again. "I can't stay, Thorne. This is my path - and it's one that I must walk alone."

Before he could respond, she was gone in another crackle of bolts. Thorne was left standing there in the darkness, hoping he had been able to make a difference, even if just for a moment. He felt as though he had failed, and yet, a spark of hope still glimmered in the darkness. Maybe there was still a chance.

The Adventures of Lynea and ThorneWhere stories live. Discover now