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Lynea and Thorne were still standing in the locker room hallway of Laminax Laboratory. The once bustling laboratory was now silent and the hallways eerily empty, but still Lynea and Thorne pressed onward, searching for clues of what could have happened. Suddenly, Lynea froze. She sniffed the air, her ears twitching with sudden intensity. There was a distinct smell, something she'd never smelled before, yet she knew that it meant something.

"Thorne!" She called to the buck who was busying himself searching for something amongst the rubble, "Smell that!"

He looked up and followed the smell, immediately stiffening and becoming defensive. In the next moment, a human stumbled into the hallway, their eyes wide and full of terror. In their hand they were tightly clutching a baseball bat and Lynea and Thorne tensed up in alarm.

Lynea and Thorne stared at the newcomer in disbelief. It was almost as if their sudden appearance in the empty Laminax Laboratory had summoned the figure. Neither of them knew exactly what to say, but the human quickly broke the silence.
  "Please," the human began, their voice trembling, "I-I didn't mean to come here. I didn't know what this place was. Please, just let me go." The human gripped the baseball bat tighter in their hand, though the gesture was more out of fear than aggression. 
Thorne stepped in front of Lynea, his body tense and ready to protect them should the need arise. Lynea was equally uneasy, but her instincts told her to approach the human with kindness. She placed a gentle paw on Thorne's shoulder, reassuring him.
   "It's alright," Lynea said softly, "We won't hurt you. We don't know what happened here, but you can help us figure it out. Please, tell us who you are." 
The human sighed with relief and took a step back, relaxing their grip on the baseball bat. Their breath began to even out as they realized they were safe.
"My name is.. uhm.. Dr Flip," the human said, "I'm head researcher for the Institute. I was sent here to investigate the facility after it was abandoned without explanation." 
Dr Flip went on to explain that his mission was to get to the bottom of what had happened to cause such a hasty evacuation, but that he had gotten lost in the facility and eventually stumbled upon Lynea and Thorne.  Lynea glanced around the empty hallways and let out a slow exhale.
Dr Flip nodded in acknowledgment, putting away the baseball bat and thanked Lynea and Thorne for not attacking him.

The Adventures of Lynea and ThorneWhere stories live. Discover now