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Long starting note. Please bear with me.

This began as a series of oneshots made up of scenes and clips for a character I wanted to explore. It was entirely self-indulgent, meaning only scenes I was interested in writing turn up, but from those humble beginnings grew a story, a fix-it of all things. Watch me take some of the parts of Clone Wars and the prequel trilogy that make me sad, and do something about them.

I have no particular idea about how the Clone Wars timeline works. Things happen based on whether or not I want them to happen, ergo, Ponds is here whether he's meant to be or not and so is the Endurance.

Here's my start of the book warning list:

I cover the arc on Zyggeria, this means slavery is in here. It's also brought up outside of that arc a lot. Sexual slavery is mentioned very very briefly, it's mostly implied. No-one in this book is or ever was a sex slave.

We also chat about decommissioning in terms of the clones and generally all the awful stuff involved in raising children to be weapons of war. Names vs numbers. Not massively in detail because it's not the main focus of the story, but it's going on.

Nightmares. They're at war, this is a fairly regular thing for most of the characters.

Mind control. We gonna be covering the inhibitor chips, may they burn in hell where they belong with Palpatine, and some Sith mind messing.

Drug addiction. It's covered very briefly. A side character in the past suffered with Spice addiction but the choices they made while under the influence had great consequences on the lives of those around them.

I can't think of any others right now. If you read this and think there's an additional warning you would've liked, please tell me and I will add. If the above warnings worry you, feel free to DM me for some more details. What matters to me most is that you guys protect yourselves. I write to enjoy it in the hopes others will also enjoy it, the last thing I want to do is hurt someone so BE KIND TO YOURSELVES. If it hurts, stop.

Love you all, and I hope you enjoy Code.

Mace Windu stares at the holocron in his hands for longer than he should. It was left on the temple steps by a short figure in a cloak, no discernible features under the shear volume of material. It's since been put through bomb checks, just in case, and now it's in Mace's hands. He hasn't even opened it yet, but he knows.

Master Yoda— impatient despite the fact he must be nearing his first millennium— snaps his stick out at Mace's shins. Mace, long accustomed to his fellow councillor's ways, does not bother to dodge, instead, he focuses on opening the holocron.

Just as he thought, he's blessed with a list of young Force-sensitives across the galaxy. The list.

It was stolen less than a day ago by the bounty hunter, Cad Bane, and now it has inexplicably returned. The cloaked figure wasn't tall enough to be Cad Bane.

It's a mystery, one Mace intends to solve.

There aren't many people out there brave or stupid enough to cross Cad Bane. To make someone like that an enemy by stealing from him is no small thing. And why return it to the Jedi Order? There's clearly someone out there willing to pay for the holocron. It would've made far more sense for someone to steal it and take the reward, not return it. That they hid their face only makes it all the worse. If they'd been obvious about it, the Jedi could've potentially protected them from their new enemies. Instead, this stranger has returned something sacred, and is going to suffer alone for it— by choice. They must've felt this worth it.

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