the train

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Tanjiro  P.O.V

We arrived the train station and I already saw him, well you can notice him from thousand meters away, if you know what I mean.

Enmu Tamio, a weird train lover, he's a pervert, everyone hates him, well I understand why, he harassed many people because of his love to trains- it's kinda creepy and at the train station wasn't only Enmu, the creep was there too, no one knows his name so we call him ink demon, one time I saw him stealing underwear- ,,so that's Enmu Tamio and ink demon!" I said, ,,ink demon?" He tilted his head, ,,no one knows his real name so we decided to call him ink demon" I explained, ,,oh I understand" he nodded, at this moment Enmu turned around.

,,ah I see, you're back! With a new friend!" He said with his normal weird and slight creepy smile, ,,yeah" I simply smiled and laughed nervously, ,,you shouldn't be alone with him, just for your safety!" I whispered to Muichiro, he didn't even asked and just nodded, slight confused but he won't do it now. ,,what do you two think if we take the train together?" He asked, I was a bit skeptic and hesitated but I wanted Muichiro to know the whole city like I do, ,,okay" I simply nodded.

,,okay let's go!" He said, as he said that Muichiro pulled on my sleeve, ,,um we will come in a minute!" I said, well Enmu went into the train and I turned to Muichiro, ,,are you sure this is safe?" He asked, ,,yeah don't worry, you're safe with me!" I smiled and kissed him, ,,it's kinda funny" he chuckled, ,,why so?" I laughed a bit, ,,we go into a random train and go anywhere" he laughed, ,,that's a funny experience" I laughed. ,,well then let's go! I'm counting on you!" He smiled and took my hand, we came after Enmu in but we sat down across him, he had a camera, probably stolen-

,,where do we go?" I asked, ,,to a city, I heard there got someone stabbed, I think the name was Tokito" he answered, our eyes widded up and realised we're going to our old city, we quickly stood up, ,,sorry but we have to go immediately!" I said and me and Muichiro quickly went out of the train.

,,oh damn, that was close" I said, ,,never again!" Muichiro said, ,,well we should go now" I smiled a bit, ,,where are we going?" He smiled, ,,let's go the bakery where we're going to work!" I smiled and took his hand. ,,I'm so excited to work there!" He smiled, ,,me too!" I smiled, like I said we went to the new bakery, there were already my parents, ,,ah hello dear! Why are you here? I thought you two begin working in two days" mom laughed. ,,we just wanted to explore the bakery" I laughed, ,,oh so than feel free to explore the bakery!" She laughed. The bakery is very modern, it has a black white aesthetic, and it has a little restaurant place too, this bakery isn't that famous yet but I'm sure it's going to be a great business. ,,I like the bakery" Muichiro smiled, ,,me too, I think I'm going to work in the kitchen, what about you?" I asked, ,,I wanna try to socialise! So I wanna work with the guests, maybe as waiter" he smiled. ,,oh that sounds cool" I smiled, ,,well I think it would be fun working with people" he smiled, ,,definitely" I laughed, ,,I'm happy to be here right now" he smiled warmly, ,,what do you mean by that?" I tilted my head, ,,before you came my life was nothing and now it's like I have a family!" He smiled, ,,how was your life before, I know horrible but was it really that horrible?" I asked, ,,well I have a lot of scars" he jerked with his shoulders, ,,anyways, you had a twin brother how was he?" I asked, ,,he was very chaotic and aggressive, he always teased me, even though you couldn't see it he really cared about me" he smiled a bit. ,,well my whole family died but now I have my own family!" He smiled, it was the perfect aura, no one was here, my parents were in the kitchen and no visitors were here, ,,you really changed my life!" He smiled, ,,well it wasn't even on purpose" I laughed, ,,no it was your beautiful aura!" He laughed.

Muichiro  P.O.V

As me and Tanjiro talked, we noticed that Sunshine and Miguel came into the bakery, ,,Sunshine! You've met Miguel!" I smiled, ,,they look like a cute couple" Tanjiro laughed,
,,familiar to us" I laughed. ,,I think Miguel's a new member in our apartment" I laughed, petting Miguel and Sunshine, ,,now we have two cats" Tanjiro laughed, ,,I'm so happy" I smiled, ,,I can finally have the life I've ever wanted!" I smiled, ,,we can finally live in peace" I got tears of joy, ,,no need to cry! I'm happy too!" He smiled, ,,I'm too happy!" I started crying and hugged him, ,,you're so cute!" He smiled, stroking my hair and kissed my forehead.

,,I can finally have a normal life"

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