Chapter Four:

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Lance woke up to an overwhelmingly comfortable warmth and shifted with a soft whine. He had a raging headache and everything felt sore and he knew if he moved he'd be so cold. So, being logical he moved closer to the source of heat next to him in bed, unknowingly causing Keith a heart attack as he was watching him sleep.

Keith only had time to think holy shit before Lance was letting out a tired whine and shifting closer to him. Keith tried not to choke at how cute this boy was before wrapping his arms around him tighter and pushing his face in the other's hair, not quite kissing the top of his head but letting his lips rest there softly. He loved this feeling. He loved the feeling of waking up to Lance in his arms. Waking up to Lance's sleepy noises and being able to smile and pull him impossibly closer and know that he was his and only his.

God, he thought with a soft smile, Pidge was right I'm so gay. He chuckled softly to himself as he hesitantly rubbed smooth circles into Lance's back. Lance made another whine followed by a small huff before squirming in Keith's grip. Keith halted in rubbing Lance's back as he tensed up in fear Lance would freak out on him, but he simply huffed once more.

"Don't stop," came a muffled voice and Keith couldn't help the soft smile that split his lips.

He continued to rub the small circles on his back and placed his face back in Lance's hair. It smelled sweet, not the scent of any flower he'd smelled, but on an alien ship anything was possible.

It could be a juniberry, Pidge inserted causing Keith to jolt. Lance whined something about his head as Keith wondered if he even knew it was Keith in bed with him and muttered a quick apology.

Oh, I'm sure he knows it's you, Pidge added.

Oh, so we're working on long distance communication now? Keith thought bitterly as he curled closer around Lance protectively.

I suppose, she hummed, but then her presence shifted in his mind almost becoming heavier. How is he?

He's fine, Keith thought softly. Just tired and achy I'd guess, he added as Lance produced another one of his soft whines.

"Keith," Lance whined, sitting up before messily falling back down.

Keith blushed heavily. Lance knew it was him and he had moved closer.

"What?" He asked, voice deep and gravelly from not being used.

Lance's eyes snapped open before he quickly lost eye contact.

"I... I can't get comfortable." He muttered before shivering and shouldering himself closer to Keith.

Keith didn't exactly know how to respond to that and blew out a breath. "Are you hungry? I'm sure Pidge misses you," He said instead and felt Lance nod weakly although he wasn't sure as to what.

Lance crawled out of bed with a huff, ungracefully rolling over Keith in the process. He made two steps towards the door before erupting into shivers.

"Wow, are you ok?" Keith asked, immediately throwing the covers back to put his arms around Lance.

"I-I'm just fr-freezing," Lance said, teeth chattering as he tried to stutter out an explanation. He immediately wormed himself into Keith's hold, distributing himself on Keith's lap before letting his head fall to the others chest. "If you talk about this I will kill you," He muttered silently and Keith was glad to hear the old Lance was still in there somewhere.

"Duelly noted," Keith muttered with a chuckle. "But why are you of all people so freezing," He asked, clutching Lance closer to him and hoping he could at least warm his body without their closeness interfering.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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