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Lance was ice. Keith was fire.

They weren't supposed to get along that well, but for Voltron (and maybe himself Lance had yet to decide) he could make an exception. Lance would never willingly admit it out loud, but Keith was an interesting subject. He seemed to match his powers of being extremely hot headed and all around hot in general. Lance made a flurry of snow flitter around his palms in thought. He liked Keith, he truly did and it was no secret to himself, but Keith was fire. It terrified Lance. It intimidated him, yet he still found himself trying to get closer to Keith, to understand him. It almost seemed the closer he got, the less dangerous the fire seemed and the more warm and welcoming it became.

Or that's what he thought. His mother had warned him to never play with fire, but here he was, enthralling himself with the idea of ever being with Keith. Sure they had become close, friends if he allowed, but Keith was still foreign. Still uncharted territory. He-


He was snapped out of his inner monologue and flushed at the attention he was receiving from his teammates. They were staring disapprovingly as the snow fluttered from his hand to the floor.

"Yes?" He replied after clearing his throat.

"Stay with us please," Allura said shortly.

Lance just sighed in response. It was nothing but a training detail. The same boring drawl they got every day. Practice your powers! Learn your strengths and each others! Find balance with one another! She always seemed to glance at Keith and himself at this part, before dismissing them to get on with their training.

The team dissipated into pairs and Lance watched as Keith walked up to him.

"Hey hot head," He muttered as Keith rolled his eyes.

"If you had been paying attention we're supposed to be fighting with our opposites," Keith muttered, shoving his shoulder as he got into a fighting stance in front of him. Lance stood still, trying to maintain his calm features.

"I don't want to fight you," He said, hoping to maintain a bored facade.

"Too bad," Keith said sending a small flame licking at his boots.

Lance jumped back, suddenly very attentive and on edge.

"No. I'm not in the mood," Lance tried to sound menacing but his voice wavered in fear.

Ice was as dangerous as fire. What if he hurt Keith?

"Lance we're starting in three-" Keith said, his body accumulating a sort of glow.

Lance caught himself staring at the way it made Keith's features sharpen.


He felt the familiar numbness of ice coursing through his body.


Just like that Keith came at him with blazing fists. Lance was able to narrowly dodge and manage a blow to Keith's stomach which had the other doubling over in his unbalanced attack.

"Careful hothead-" Lance mocked with a smirk as he saw Keith grow angry and frustrated.

Keith attacked again, this time by attempting a crescent kick, only to be caught by Lance. Lance had his hand coated in a light frost that kept Keith's skin from burning him which he knew grew hotter with his anger. Keith watched Lance's hand steam on his leg and growled as Lance pushed him back. Of course he'd noticed Lance getting better in their training activities but it was still frustrating that he was no longer the easy target for their training. Despite this, Keith was proud of him in his progression. The one problem Keith had, was Lance never fought him. He was only on defense.

"Come on!" Keith grunted, sending fire warming Lance's arms as he sidestepped the shot. "Fight!"

"No," Lance said cooly, if not a bit on edge.

This made Keith angry. Lance never took his training seriously especially when it came to training with Keith himself. Even if they had become close enough to be called friends, Keith still found it very aggravating. He watched as Lance got distracted by an object flying across the room, causing him to duck and decided to strike. If Lance wouldn't fight him surely cutting it close with a blast of fire would aggravate him enough to attack. He blasted the flames to the side of Lance's head only to be frozen in fear as he stood just in time for the shot to hit his shoulder full force.

When Lance felt the fire on his skin, he ground his teeth as not to scream. He couldn't help falling to his knees and breathing harshly as he felt the pain deep within his core. Keith hurt me, was Lance's first thought and it had him tearing up. He heard noises around him, his name was being called. He heard it just like he observed Shiro and the rest of the team running over. He was aware of all of it but was choosing to ignore it all. Keith hurt me! He couldn't seem to wrap his mind around it. He had been so worried about hurting Keith that he had never considered Keith hurting him. He never considered that he was just so aggravating Keith would want to hurt him. What if he had just done what the team had been wanting to do since they've been in space. Lance squeezed his eyes shut as tears streamed out. He managed to not quickening his breathing any further before he felt a hand on his uninjured side. He didn't mean to, but Ice immediately covered the space where Hunks welcoming hand had once been.

Hunk pulled back shocked that his best friend would block him out, but Lance could feel cold dripping into his wounded heart. Keith hurt me. 

A/N: well... I mean here? I'm just kinda posting this because i'm having a really bad regression and the comments I've been getting on my last stories have really boosted my confidence so I mean if you're into this try and stick around? I mean to people even read these lol. well I might rant on them because life isn't great but hey you guys are here for the story right? (hopefully?) I won't ruin that. Comment for more if you like? Love you all hope everything's well thanks for reading this crap? 



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