Chapter 22

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The trek trip

Samaira's POV

I have been pretty doing well now but my thoughts are running wild . Oh god samaira stop thinking about him or wait do I really love him? No no no

*phone rings

Akash: samaira your phone is ringing

Samaira: oh ya

*on call

Samaira: h..hello

Mihir:  hey how are you doing now

Samaira: I'm doing fine now

Mihir : thats  good

Mihir : i have a good news we are going on a trek this saturday and suyanday 

Samaira: (excited) wow really 

Mihir : yes 

Samaira : but aakash 

Mihir : dont worry i will convince him 

Samaira: ok bye 

yay me and mihir are going on a trek together

Akash's POV

Mihir told me that samaira and him are going on a trip together , but this time i agreed cause i was being over possesive towards samaira and when she is with mihir she is the happiest person like before 

The next day 

Samaira's POV 

I was so happy that aakash let me go on a trek so i gave  him a tight . i packed my my bags and then went to station after that i met mihir 

Mihir: so excited for the trek 

Samaira: yes very much 

Mihir: lets go 

afterwards our train arrived and we reached there by evening . our guide gave us some instructions 

Guide : so tomorrow we will go for the trek 

Everyone : ok 

Mihir : so tomorrow is the day

Samaira: yeah i am already getting yjhd vibes

Mihir : excitement kal ke liye bacha ke rakhna 

Samaira : haan haan . 

Thats it for the chapter 

Hope you like it 

So sorry for not updating for long 

Take care lovely people


Your writer 


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