Chapter 8

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❥𝑫𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏

❥𝑫𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏

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Samaira's POV

So now almost all of us have got holiday for a week and bhaiya and mom dad have also agreed. Now the only thing left is to decide the location. I am an ambivert person means I am an mixture of an introvert and extrovert I like mountains and beaches both but this time I need peace where I can just stare at the sky watching the stars or sunset . Aariya won't agree because she likes beaches I just hope she understands it I just need some peace and a break from this hectic life

Aariya's POV

Everyone got holiday and everyone has agreed now only thing left is to decide the place

I created a group for it

Aariya : Hi everyone come at my place by 7pm

Everyone :ok

Mihir's POV

Now we only have to decide the place hope its something nice

Mihir : hi aariya

Aariya : hi

Mihir : where is samaira and akash ?

Aariya : don't know they must be coming

Mihir : ok

Samaira's POV

Hope everything goes well and we decide a nice place to go for a trip

Samaira : hi aaru

Aariya : hi sammy why are you late ?

Samaira :because of my stupid brother akash

Akash : it was because of you and not me

Aariya : ok you both stop fighting and akku is not stupid

Samaira/Akash :ok fine

Aariya : so we all have got holiday for a week so lets go to goa for a week we all will enjoy

I know she will say that but she did not even ask any of us once she just decided it and it was final ,my face fell Mihir looked at me

Mihir : aariya I guess you should ask everyone first

Aariya : ok so where do you want to go?

Mihir : ask samaira

Aariya : ok sammy where do you want to go ?

Samaira : I want to go somewhere where I can just stare at sky and watch the sunset or stars

Aariya : (gets irritated ) you can watch that by sitting at home also

Samaira : ( becomes angry) but it hits different

Aariya : no ifs and buts we are going to goa and its final

Samaira : ask everyone na who wants to go to goa

Aariya : so who wants to go to goa

Mihir and bhaiya agreed

Aariya : see everyone agreed stop being stubborn samaira

Samaira : its not me who is being stubborn its you , you never let others speak and its final and its fine if everyone wants to go to goa I will go by myself

Aariya : samaira 😡😡

Akash : what if something happened to you ?

Samaira : nothing will happen to me

Mihir : I will go with samaira

Samaira : huh ?

Mihir : I cant let you go alone

Samaira : its fine I don't need your sympathy

Akash : sammy if you won't go then I will also not go

Aariya : you are ruining everyone's mood Samaira

Mihir's POV

Oh god ! now samaira and aariya started fighting don't know what will happen , I just hope that this plan doesn't get cancel . I don't know why akash was giving when I said that I will go with samaira

Akash : you both stop fighting

Aariya : tell her

Akash : samaira

Samaira : you always take her side

Akash : we still have time ok you both solve your matter and then decide

Aariya/Samaira : ok fine

Mihir : I told samaira that I will go with her because I am her friend and have a right to care for her nothing more

Akash : oh

Akash : oh

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That's it for the chapter

Hope you liked it ❤️❤️

Will samaira and aariya agree ? or their plan will get cancelled

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Take care lovely people ❤️❤️🤗

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