Love in Barbecue

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Bob x Female Reader

Bob was in complete disbelief. He couldn't believe that you just might be a better chef than him. Everyone raved about your burgers when you made them and he knew you had a secret you weren't telling him. You easily kept up with lunch and dinner rush like it was nothing and when hands were short you played the perfect waitress. Bob started to notice several repeat customers as well, all of them making excuses to see you when you were in the back helping him. He hated being around people unless he was in his comfort area.

So, he had an idea. He would invite you into an area where you couldn't best him at cooking. A way he could maybe, just maybe, get to know you a little bit more. Find what was behind that smiling mask you seemed to always wear. He could see in your eyes you didn't always mean that smile and he so badly wanted to talk to you on those days but he was a coward when it came to the whole 'relationship' idea. Who would want to marry a poor burger maker in a small town? Especially when you came from where you did! A New York City gold star chef coming to a small town and getting hired on as a cook? Who did that?!

Everyone had been infatuated with you since you came into town and it made Bob jealous. Of course he saw all of the great things people said about you on you but he wanted to be the only one to see it. He wanted to be the only one to ever lay eyes on yoh again and he hated himself for it. He didn't want to be possessive and controlling or anything like that. The fact he could actually FEEL that shocked him completely. He'd never felt that way before about anyone or anything and he wanted to explore it a bit more but didn't want to be off putting either. Plus! You probably didn't even like him anyway. He was just a poor burger chef after all.

"Y-Y/N?" Bob stammers out as you both do dishes together.

"Yes?" You ask, Bob, turning to him with that sweet smile that always made your eyes sparkle.

"I'm.....having a barbecue this weekend. Would you......," He trails off, looking back down at the dish he was drying.

"Are you asking me to come?" You can't help but tease him a little, smiling at the blush that brings out of him.

"Y-Yes," He stammers out, looking at you again.

"I would love to. Need me to bring anything?" You ask, pausing to look at him.

"You can bring something if you'd like but you don't have to," He explains.

"I'll bring my potato salad. It's a recipe my family has had for a long time. Best damn potato salad you'll ever have!" You declare with a grin.

Well shit. Bob should have told you no. He had no doubt that would upstage his burgers and he was trying to impress you with his cooking skills! Of course he couldn't say that let alone back track, so he just smiles and nods his head. They head their separate ways once everything is cleaned and locked up, Bob simmering in embarrassment the entire way home. Dammit, why did you catch him so off guard all the time?! He would need to make the best batch in the world!


"Bob?" You call when your knock on the door isn't answered, biting your lip and venturing around the house after letting yourself in.

"I guess that's as good as I can get it. I need to impress her," You overhear him saying.

You pause in your tracks as a frown comes to your face, wondering who the 'she' could be. You wouldn't lie, you'd been attracted to Bob for quite some time. He was shy compared to your confidence and you wanted to make him feel seen. He was an amazing burger maker and you loved every second you worked with Bob.

"B-Bob?" You call out, mentally scolding yourself for the stutter.

You gasp and step back when he suddenly spins around, a bit of fear settling in your chest at his crazed face. You swallow the lump in your throat and slowly walk towards him.

Bob Velseb OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now