Yandere Bob x Psychiatrist Reader

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"Doctor L/N! A pleasure to see you as always," A fellow psychologist greets. "Meeting with Velseb again?"

"Yes, he's on the agenda for today. How did last night go?" You ask, grabbing your clipboard with Bob Velseb's information on it.

"Actually, he was well behaved. He didn't cause any trouble," They explain. "I think you're really getting through to him."

"That's the goal. If he's going to be here for five years I want to do my best to rehabilitate him," You explain.

Bob Velseb is your patient of two years officially today. He was found not guilty by reason of insanity and was required to go to a clinic for five years to be rehabilitated. You got put in charge of him and you have to say. He's an interesting man. He's really smart, constantly making escape attempts but never actually leaving the facility. He just liked to show that he could.

"Good morning Bob," You greet when you enter the exam room. "I see you have once again gotten free of your straight jacket."

"Damn thing is too hot and stuffy," He explains with a shrug of his shoulders. "Do you know what today is Doctor?"

"Do inform me," You tell him, writing down notes in your clipboard.

"See come on darlin', ya can't tell me you don't know," Bob complains.

"I'm afraid not. Care to elaborate?" You ask in a professions tone.

"Tch, using that stupid doctor voice. We've been seeing each other for two years. It's a pretty big milestone," Bob points out. "Wouldn't you agree?"

"That's great Bob. Dates are important to remember as you recover and we dive deeper into your past. You've been doing an excellent job with me," You tell him. "Just three more years to go."

"If I get to see you it makes this hell hole that much better," Bob says with a grin. "Don't I deserve a reward for being good?"

"Bob, you know we can't give you anything outside of clinic. It's too dangerous for your current state of mind," You point out. "You haven't been behaved either."

"I never left the place," Bob points out. "Just caused a little trouble. Can't fault a bored man for trying to make this dull place a little brighter."

"That may be true but you still resist the guards and the other doctors. When you can prove to us that you are able to listen to instructions you'll have more freedom. Right now, you're still considered a flight risk. If you're not careful I'll have to keep you here for a lot longer," You remind him. "It's up to my discretion after all."

"Come on. Please? Just a little something?" He pleads with you. "No one has to know."

"You're being recorded," You remind him, motioning to all of the cameras. "Afraid it would be a violation of my duties."

Bob grits his teeth and slumps back in his chair, a soft sigh leaving you when he crosses his arms and pouts. No you're not going to get anywhere with him. If something happens he doesn't like he immediately becomes resigned and refuses to talk to you. You have a sneaking suspicion he's going to wind up here for a lot longer than the mandatory five. You tap your clipboard with your pencil as you consider what to do now. You can't just leave without finishing the session but you don't want to sit here in silence for the next hour.

He's shackled to the table as always, the straight jacket proving useless when he's alone in his room. So, should be fine if you leave him for a few minutes. You have guards outside the room too should anything go wrong.

"Okay, fine," You say, standing from your chair and leaving the room. "Megan, do you any mints or candy of any kind?"

"Being difficult again? Here, I keep emergency chocolate," She smiles, handing you a piece after grabbing it from her drawer.

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