Bob x Stolkholm Wife Reader (Lemon)

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I smile as I walk down the aisle to my soon to be husband, my heart racing in my chest when his eyes meet mine. The amount of love and adoration they conveyed made me feel safe and secure.

"My beautiful Darlin'," Bob purrs as he takes your hand. "I could just eat you up."

"Bob," I giggle. "Not until the honeymoon."

"It's a promise," He whispers, giving me a wink before we turn our attention to the priest.

"Dearly beloved," He begins.

"Nah! Just get to the "I do" parts," Bob demands.

"Bob," I scold, sighing when his eyes meet mine. "Alright. Alright. No need for all of the words."

"Do you, Y/N, take Bob to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold in both sickness and in health until death do you part?" The priest asks with a soft smile.

"I do," I tell everyone.

"And do you, Bob, take Y/N to be your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold in both sickness and in health until death do you part?" The priest asks.

"I do," Bob agrees.

"Then I hereby declare you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride," The priest declares.

Bob grins and pulls me close, my lips meeting his as we hug each other close. We head out for pictures and then the reception. We share our first dance and many more on the dance floor until it's time for the two of us to head off. Bob scoops me into his arms and takes me to the car. We climb in and he pulls me into his lap, my arms resting around his neck.

"I want to take you in this damn car," He growls, a shiver running through you when his teeth graze your neck.

"I'm not inclined on scarring the driver," I breathe out in a soft moan. "Just a little longer."

Bob doesn't wait a single second once we both arrive to our private plane. Bob said something about our honeymoon being a gift from some close friends. I never really questioned it. He had odd people for friends and the two of us were never without support. Bob was fine financially and I was as well but I couldn't afford a private plane and neither could Bob. So, I decided to just be grateful for his friend. We hadn't been alone alone in a while so it would be nice. I don't even pay attention to the takeoff as Bob carries me to the back bedroom on the private plane.

"This is certainly a nice way to join the mile high club," I gasp as he pins me to the bed.

"First for me too," Bob admits, his cheeks flushing more as he looks down at me. "There's been a lot of firsts with you."

"You just haven't had someone who's seen your true worth," I breathe, lifting up and giving him a deep kiss. "Come on. I don't even care if the pilot hears me. Take me. Please."

"Fuck. Ya know I can't resist when ya beg. Be quick about the dress if you want to keep it," He hisses, grinding his hips against mine. "I can't wait much longer."

"Don't you dare destroy the dress," I beg with a needy gasp.

"Then let's be quick," He laughs.

I groan but give his chest a slight shove with my hand to get him to get up. I sit up but groan when I can't seem to reach the ties on my dress.

"Bob!" I whine, thankful when moves to help.

I get the dress off, Bob freezing with wide eyes at my lingerie beneath.

"Red huh?" Bob chuckles after a moment, a smirk coming to my lips.

"Your favorite color," I coo back, setting the dress away safely before walking back to Bob.

Bob Velseb OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now