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I'm an artist, editor and a writer. Fucking hell I have to pick a struggle.


~ Child abuse (emotionally only)
~ Slight mean Ink ( he's going to get better in the future chapters )

  [ Dream's PoV:

Dream woke up to find himself in an empty room. Not exactly empty, there's a bed and some toys for him that was prepared by Swap. He is scared. Where is he anyway? Why is he here? Was he grounded? No. Dream was sure if he was grounded Paralysis would put him in his bedroom only.

He stand up and walks to the door. He reaches for it and tries opening it. Locked. It's locked. He's totally kidnapped. He panicked. How can Dream not remember what happened? All he remember that he goes to his bedroom, do his homework, and sleep.

He banged on the door. Over and over again. He bang and bang, nothing. There was no one. Dream checks the alarm clock to see what time it is, luckily there was an alarm clock to see. 10:00 PM. Damn it. Paralysis would totally be worried.

Dream's not tired yet.. He's just hungry. He has to deal with it. Dream then let out a simple word:

" Hello.? "

His voice echoed around the room. Dream smiled and giggles, he LOVES whenever his voice echoes. It brings him joy, really big joy. He then started screaming in joy, jumping around as he makes random noises.

" AaAAaAAaaAaAA! "

Dream continues to make noises until the door opened revealing a 4'7 foot person with two blue circles for eyes. The person was in his pjs, Dream got scared as he backed of in fear. The person closes the door and sat on the bed.

Dream realizes that it was the person that entered that destroyed AU. Dream then ran to him and hugs him. The person smiled and hugs him back.
[ Swap's PoV:

Swap hugs Dream back.


Dream nods as he kept hugging Swap. Swap felt something like deja vu from Dream.. Papy. His little brother. Awe, Dream's like his little brother. He loves that feeling.

Dream's not much of a talker with people he doesn't know. Especially if they are unknown ' friends ' of Paralysis'. Swap use some magic to make Dream sleep and yes, it did happened. Dream fell asleep in Swap's arms.

Swap puts Dream on the bed, tucked him him in before he left the room. Swap then enters his room to see Ink on his bed. Since Ink is scared to be alone, Ink goes to Swap's room to sleep there, no matter if Swap's there or not.

Swap's always tired, so Ink doubt that Swap would miss his chances of sleeping. Swap shrug it off and gets on the bed before falling asleep. Swap has a queen bed so it fits the both of them.

-- Next Day.. --

[ Ink's PoV:

He woke up with Swap next to him. He smiles and sat up before going to his room and finds his vials. He decides to take a shower first then dress up properly. He check his scarf to see where he puts his vials. He check the drawer and drinks them.

After he was done, Ink immediately went downstairs to eat food. But he doesn't know how to cook. He then shrug it off and decides to watch the TV. He forgot how to open it. He just sit on the sofa then, waiting for Swap to get down.

Not even a minute later Ink got bored and and check his scarf. He immediately remembered about Dream and ran upstairs. He open the door to see Dream playing with the toys. Ink sighed in relief. Dream turned to look at Ink and starts a small talk.

" Hello.. "

" Hello child! "

" You look so cool.! Your skin are very nice-looking! "

" Hehe, well you look stupid. I don't even know what happened to that face of yours! "

Ink laughed. Dream's smile dropped immediately. Dream frowned and just ignores the insult.

" How can even Paralysis stand you? You're probably annoying as heck! "

The laughs continues. Dream just stayed silent as Ink continues to insult him. Dream cries until the both heard:


[ Dream's PoV:

Dream saw Ink smiled and leaves the room and shutting the door. Dream grunts in annoyance. Then the door is reopened and the same nice person came in with pancakes!

Dream softly smile as the person sat down next to him. The person then fed him like he's a child even though he is one. And Dream felt something.. deja vu.? From the person? Hm. Perhaps Dream see the stranger as Paralysis.

The person gave a pat on Dream's head. Dream smiles more wider before giving the person a biigg hug! They hugged back of course. A new friendship even if Dream didn't know them at all.


my brain hurts but yay

Nightmare's little brother. (REMAKE!) // JUSTMarsLOLWhere stories live. Discover now