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A/n - this is based off of the Netflix show I haven't gotten the books yet they are lost in the mail somewhere because of Royal Mail strikes😤 don't come at me I'm very sorry I hope you enjoy this it's not gonna be perfect and I might not complete it as I'm doing exams atm. You already know all the terms and shit so enjoy.
Context— third person
Keira and lockwood had never really crossed paths unless they were on the odd job that they had to work together which she despised until she met them at a party, a fittes party.
He was in a suit like alway so smug and content with himself, his co workers Lucy Carlyle and George Karim. They exchanged glances and made eye contact several times that night until Keira disappeared into the night and went off the grid for the past few months not a word to anyone she simply had no one, she was expected to turn up dead, all the agency's hated her because of how her father tarnished her family name. The Martinez. There were many rumours of what actually went down but the truth is no one knows. Her and Lockwood were best friends and when her dad found out Lockwood liked her her refused to let them see each other ever again and turned Keira and Lockwood against each other.

George's pov-

"All I'm saying is she might be alive" Lockwood says in a confused tone.
How could she be alive, months no words, no news articles just gone.
"Your delusional Lockwood, your going insane we would have known if she was here" I reply
"We'll hold on George who are you talking about I'm sure their fine"Lucy questioned
"It's not fucking like that they told us she died, fittes said the covered it up"Lockwood mentioned
"She's gone of the grid before whos to say she hasn't gone and did it again" I said
"Your right, I just can't stop thinking about her the way she acts so innocent and like everyone is cowering at her feet she is so annoying I hate her "Lockwood is almost shouting
"I thought you loved her" I asked
"George I will drown you with tea"Lockwood slowly started creeping towards me with a cup of tea in hand so I shuffled my chair back
"Guys who are you talking about"Lucy enquired
"Keira fucking martinez. She's an agent she works alone, every big agency has offered her a place which she has denied and happens to be the biggest dick in London!" Lockwood ranted
"You mean the sweet girl we met at fittes who had a interesting sense of style and was very stubborn?"lucy said
"That's the one"I added
" SHES NOT SWEET".Lockwood had been pushed to his breaking point so obviously and he stormed out the front door with a loud slam.

Lockwoods pov—
How dare they think she's this sweet innocent girl who didn't do anything wrong, but wait what had she actually done? She was like me. She had no family left but I had friends she didn't. I just need a clear head I'll walk around for a bit. I just don't believe she's alive. Her family were hated her dad was the most pretentious prick ever he gave their family their bad reputation but Keira had set out to change that until, well no one gave her a chance. They noted her talent and only wanted that.
I can see a figure in the distance smoking I slowly place a hand on my rapier when I hear

"Oh ant don't be afraid I'm harmless" laughed a familiar voice I couldn't see who.
"What?"I asked
"Has it been that long ant you already forgotten how much you love me" Keira practically laughed through the whole sentence
"You? Your alive? Your a bitch you know that! I can't believe you!"I was shocked she felt the need to mock me after faking her death?!
"Calm down babe, I'm here now"she smirked
"How fucking dare you? Pretend to be dead and turn up like it's some fucking game?!" I was mad she was treating me like some sort of fool?
"Woah ant calm down I never said I died people made it up because I went quite. You never liked me anyway why dose it matter." She says in a tone which felt sympathetic like she might have even cared about me
"You just went I thought you were dead and I just thought...." I stopped I knew I was going to say to much if I kept talking she had started to grow on me the way she stared into my eyes, the way she tucked her hair behind her ear FUCK NO NO WAY ANTHONY YOU ARE BOT FALLING FOR HER NOT NOW.
"Lockwood?are you alright?"she asked
"Perfectly fine I should be going now" I hurried back to the house before I could think anymore
"LOCKWOOD WAIT..." she called out for me but I didn't think to answer I just continued to walk off without looking back.

I entered my house and went straight up to my room lying down on my bed facing the ceiling with my hands behind my head when I hear a faint knock
"Hey lockwood, I'm sorry about you know, ...earlier" Lucy said apologetically
"Luce it's fine I just want to be alone" I responded
"Okay you know where I am if needed" she replied.

The events from earlier were still replaying in my mind she changed. She smokes? She was getting older and maturing. She was 12 when we first met her mum introduced us, I in-love with her and her dad caught on and I was about to make a move until her dad forbid us with no explanation.
I thought that maybe I should ask her to join my agency get to see more of her, know more until she went off the grid. Now I don't know, if I see her again I'll ask her to consider it. I want her to be safe. SHIT NO I CANT THINK LIKE THIS.

Keiras pov—
Lockwood had bolted off its not like I liked him anyway he just stares it's actually really creepy. I contine to wander the streets of London and look at my watch to find it's 7 am already I was use to not really sleeping until I get to a familiar street the sign reads- shit Portland row? Lockwood and cos street
Do I knock? No what am I thinking he hates me and I hate him it also happens to be the crack of dawn I turn on the balls of my feet and continue walking when I fell an hand grab my shoulder.
I reach for my rapier and place it to the persons neck in one swift movement.
"Ant fucking hell next time don't do that you know I'm wanted dead. I gotta keep on the down low" I say
"I know I just was thinking you should join Lockwood and co. I know it's a long shot just consider it. You'd get a room and I'll supply you with what you need. Your not safe in London on your own. You don't have to work a case with us till your ready. I've got your back Keira." He asked me in a tone I couldn't wrap my head around
"Ant? Are you being serious? I thought you hate me and well I thought I hated you but I just I'm confused ant?" I said in a confused tone.
He placed a hand on my waist and sighed
"Keira what ever you did to me last night worked I think you need a place to call home you've gone through a lot these past years and I'm willing to let you in." He responded
"Okay well yeah I think I'd like that. Wait is this a trap? Are you gonna kill me? I'd rather you get it over with."I said he could honestly be setting me up to die.
"Keira this isn't a trap I want to get to know you not your family's history or why they got a bad name I want to know you miss martinez." He said

I strangely believe him, and maybe it will do me good keep the enemy close. This doesn't mean we are on good terms.

Okay okay I know I can't do enemies to lovers very well just bear with it's gonna maybe get good I have already worked on two other parts to get out soon I'm finishing them up. I'm in love with the third part just I want it to be perfect.
Much love see you soon.
1471 words

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