Episode 2b: Kylie-Do-Right

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(We cut back to Rocky, Bullwinkle and Kylie. Bullwinkle and Kylie are on Dudley's Horse and Rocky is on Horse's head)

Rocky: How do we get to Nell?

Kylie: Bridge, Fields, Nell's House. First, we go over the Windy Bridge, then through Butterfly Fields and then we'll get to Nell's house.

Rocky: Thanks for helping!

Bullwinkle and Kylie: (ride on Horse while Rocky flies with them on their way)

Kylie: Okay, so first we have to go over Windy Bridge, do you see a bridge?

Rocky: (spots the bridge) Yeah, there it is! C'mon Kylie and Bullwinkle!

Kylie: C'mon say it with us!

Rocky, Bullwinkle and Kylie: Bridge, Fields, Nell's House. Bridge, Fields, Nell's House. Bridge, Fields, Nell's House. Bridge, Fields, Nell's House.

Kylie: C'mon everybody let's get going!

Bullwinkle: C'mon let's get to it!

Rocky: I know that we can do it!

Rocky: Where are we going?

Bullwinkle: Nell's house! Where are we going?

Rocky: Nell's house.

Rocky, Bullwinkle and Kylie: Where are we going?

(The Chibi Animals join in)

The Chibi Animals: Nell's house.

Kylie: Where are we going?

Rocky, Bullwinkle, Kylie and The Chibi Animals: Nell's house!

(The chibi animals jump out of the frame as Rocky is flying and Bullwinkle and Kylie are riding on Horse)

Rocky, Bullwinkle and Kylie: Nell's house!

(The two ride off and Rocky flies with them)

Horse: (stops at the bridge)

Rocky: Look guys, The Windy Bridge!

Horse: (walks halfway over the bridge, stops as the wind blows)

Bullwinkle: It sure is windy.

Rocky: Guys! The present!

(The present falls off of Horse's back and into the river)

Rocky, Bullwinkle and Kylie: Oh no!

Bullwinkle: Nell's present!

Kylie: Don't worry, we'll get the present back.

Bullwinkle: How Kylie? How are we gonna get the present back?

Kylie: I have something in my backpack we can use. (Looks at the audience) I need your help, will you check my backpack and find something we can grab the present with? You have to say "backpack."

Bullwinkle: Say "backpack," say "backpack!"

(We cut to Starcatcher the Backpack singing her song)

Starcatcher: Backpack, backpack, backpack, backpack! I'm a backpack loaded up with things and knickknacks too. Anything that you might need I got inside for you. Backpack, backpack, backpack, backpack, yeah!

(Starcatcher finishes)

Starcatcher: Uh oh, Rocky, Bullwinkle and Kylie are gonna need something to get the present back. What can they use to get the present out of the river? (Points at a doll) Can they use this to pull the present up? (Points at a flower) Can they use this to pull the present up? (Points at a fishing pole) Can they use this to get the present out of the river?

(They chose the fishing pole)

Starcatcher: Yeah, they can use a fishing pole to get the present out of the river! Good thinking! (The rest of the stuff goes inside of her) Yum yum yum yum yum, delicious!

(We cut to Rocky, Bullwinkle, Kylie and Horse. Rocky grabs the fishing pole)

Rocky: We can use this fishing pole and reel in the present.

Bullwinkle: Uh oh! Look!

(It cuts to Snidely in a metal fish submarine)

Bullwinkle: It's Snidely, and he's in a fish submarine!

Snidely: Ha ha! That present will be mine!

Rocky: Quick, let's get the present before Snidely gets it first! (He does a perfect cast, grabs the present and reels it in)

Kylie: Yay! We got the present back!

Snidely: Awwww man... I was so close! (Looks behind him) Uh oh, there's a giant fish coming!

(Snidely gets chased by the giant fish)

Rocky, Bullwinkle and Kylie: (ride on horse over the bridge)

The Chibi Animals: (play a cheerful tune then leave)

Rocky: Hokey smokes! We made it over The Windy Bridge.

Kylie: I can't wait until we get to Nell's house.

Bullwinkle: Where do we go next?

Rocky: Bridge, Fields, Nell's House. We went over Windy Bridge so next comes...

Rocky: Butterfly Fields! Right!

Bullwinkle and Kylie: (ride Horse while Rocky follows them as he is flying)

Kylie: Do you see butterfly fields? Where?

Rocky: (spots Butterfly Fields) Yeah there's Butterfly Fields!

Kylie: C'mon let's go!

Kylie: C'mon say it with us!

Rocky, Bullwinkle and Kylie: Bridge, Fields, Nell's House. Bridge, Fields, Nell's House. Bridge, Fields, Nell's House. Bridge, Fields, Nell's House.

Kylie: C'mon everybody let's get going!

Bullwinkle: C'mon let's get to it!

Rocky: I know that we can do it!

Rocky: Where are we going?

Bullwinkle: Nell's house! Where are we going?

Rocky: Nell's house.

Rocky, Bullwinkle and Kylie: Where are we going?

(The Chibi Animals join in)

The Chibi Animals: Nell's house.

Kylie: Where are we going?

Rocky, Bullwinkle, Kylie and The Chibi Animals: Nell's house!

(The chibi animals jump out of the frame as Rocky is flying and Bullwinkle and Kylie are riding on Horse)

Rocky, Bullwinkle and Kylie: Nell's house!

(The two ride off and Rocky flies with them)

(The three along with Horse arrive at Butterfly Fields)

(To Be Continued)

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