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The next morning, me and Zayn put the plan into full throttle. We both got in and out of the shower. I put my hair down and threw on a cerulean blue beanie with my cerulean Varsity jacket and my black Hipsta Please shirt, some jean shorts, with sweatpants over them, and my black vans. Zayn put on a red Varsity jacket and some sweatpants, combing his hair down into a bang and put on his vans. "You ready to go?" he murmured, not even looking in my direction. "Yeah, lemme just grab my phone" I said approaching the nightstand.

"Well hurry up!", he rushed, walking out without another word. I stood there for a moment looking disraught. What did I do to deserve this kind of treatment? We had the best night ever last night, so, what? I ran out the door after him, and locked it behind me approaching the car. I could tell he was impatiently waiting because he was tapping his fingers against the steering wheel mugging, looking around.

As soon as I got in he pulled out, speeding off. I shifted in my seat uncomfortably, looking at him as if he was a different person. I kept quiet, for now. I knew eventually he would say something to set me off. When we arrived at Liam's house, Danielle was just pulling up. Me and Danielle used to talk way back when. I got out and we exchanged ecstatic greetings.

"Are you girls through with your happy family reunion? We have work to do damn it," Zayn said sharply as he entered the house. Danielle gave a a confused look, and I gave her one in return. Why does Zayn continue to act like this? I kept brushing it off and walked inside, closing the front door behind Danielle. Just as we were about to enter the main room with them, Zayn blocked our way. "Uh Uh, you girls stay out here. Go....drink tea or something." He rushed as he shooed us off.

"You know what? Fuck this shit. I'm going home" I grumbled walking out the front door. I continued to walk a couple blocks until I got to the bus stop. I rode it all the way back to my apartment building. I stormed up the steps and yanked my keys out of my pocket rambling with them. Just as I was about to enter, something cold, heavy, and hard hit me upside the head, and I blacked out.

I woke up in a strange dark, pale grey room, with 2 other people. My vision was quite blurry, so I didn't see who it was. When my eyes came to their senses, I saw a horrid sight. Harry was completely naked and beat up, cut up, and dirty. Ariana, the same. "ARIANA!" I screamed in anguish, as I stumbled over towards her, until a skull splitting headache hit my brain.

I tried waking her up, but she was out cold. I heard moaning on the other sidr of the room, and it was Harry slowly trying to get up. "Harry!" I cried crawling over to him. He must've recently been sexually abused, because he was completely aroused and it stood completely up. I blushed, trying not to look at his sexual parts as I helped him up. "M-Matt, you ca-came..." He said flashing a weak grin. "I'm here Harry...i'm here..we need to get you some clothes...its freezing in here" I cried. Harry was a sickly looking grey and around his eyes and mouth were almost black. I took off my Varsity jacket and Hipsta Please shirt, hoping they would fit him. I had on a black tanktop anyway.

I sat him down and slid the shirt on him, the jacket following right behind. He sighed in relief as his body temperature started to rise. I took my socks off and put my shoes back on, sliding them onto Harrys pale feet. I slid off my sweatpants and had a hassle trying to get them on him. I accidently touched his tip while trying to put them on, and he watched me intensely.

"I'm so warm...." he said hugging himself. I stood up as he crawled over to Ariana and took her in his arms. "Cmon, we've got to get her warm", he said, gripping her body tightly. I squeezed myself in the middle, hugging both of them. I could feel Harrys hot breath down my neck as he nestled his head on my shoulder whispering repeatedly, "Thank you". He wrapped one arm around my waist, the other hand that was free was intertwined in mine.

The door handle that was locked from the outside began to rattle, and a figure with a cartoon mask came and threw some clothes at us, putting a finger to their lips, and walked out, locking the door back. From the looks of it it was a womens figure. I observed the clothing, and it was a thick white and red sweater, some panties, socks, black sweatpants, an extra jacket, a bra, and sperrys. Me and Harry looked at eachother, and began to fit the items on her. I figured she wouldn't need the jacket, so I put that on. Ariana slowly came to consciousness, and we had our little reunion. "So...HUNGRY..." Harry moaned as he began to lose consciousness again. I caught him just before he did.

"No Harry baby, stay with me" I panicked. I heard rattling in my pocket, only to find 4 nutri-grain bars. I gave 2 to Harry and 2 to Ariana. They swallowed them like it was nothing. "Are we ever gonna get out of here?" Ariana cried. Harry sighed and looked at the ground, tears forming in his eyes.

"I don't know Ariana...I don't know.....".

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