Chapter 1.

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On a beautiful wednesday morni-, -"FUUUCK!!"-,..... nevermind- "Come on seriously?! I just came from the mines and the chest is already EMPTY?!"- Kris yelled in distress and her yelling couldn't go unnoticed by her sisters. - "Kris what are you yelling about now?" - Asked Kris's youngest sister, - "I'm yelling because I JUST came back from the mines after being there for THREE FUCKING DAYS!!"- Kris yelled in distress once again not realizing a simple mistake in her wording,-"....Kris what do you mean 3 days? It's been at least 6 days and a half...."- Excuse me....what?"-

Kris couldn't believe what she heard. She was in the mines for 6 and a half days! But that wasn't the part she was worried about....her family didn't come looking for her, not even Sasha her best friend and Millie the youngest in the family and the most worriesome...-"You're telling me I was missing for six.fucking.days and none of you came looking for me?"-"I-..."-

Millie got speechless she didn't know what to say, she froze for a split second when.... another two voices spoke up,-"Leave poor Millie alone Kristy"- One of the voices was Tori, she stood tall and leaning on the door frame of the chest room, watching her language so she doesn't accidentally say a cuss word, mainly because she didn't want her baby sister to start, even tho she was supposed to turn 17 in a couple of months she still viewed Millie as her little baby sister..

-"Da Kristy don't go yelling at poor Millie because WE told her not to worry."- Calmly said Kya trying her hardest to not start more yelling.... which didn't quite work...

And another reason Tori didn't cuss is because Kya didn't like people around her or her baby sister cussing.,-"Wha- you-...You know what? Nevermind, I'm sorry for yelling at you Mills it won't happen again."- Kris's tome was cold but at the same time cheerful, which was kinda worrying to think about, some mood swings those are.

-"I'll just go aaaaalll the way back to the mines and get the supplies ALL OVER AGAIN! GREAT!? Great!"- Kris yelled with a fake smile and fake enthusiasm all over again...-"well....that was something, wasn't it?"- Millie finally spoke up-" You said it Mills.."- Tori spoke up after Millie.

-"I'm gonna go to the withering tree, away from probably future drama and panic that's gonna happen here... probably soon..."- Millie said -".... Millie you know that it takes two days to get there by HORSE, right?"- Kya spoke with a concerned look on her face, -"I know, farther the better ey?"

- Millie spoke while walking backwards out of the chest room when she suddenly bumps into a stomach, -" Where do you think you are going at this time of day?"- Behind her spoke a cold female monotone voice....-"Uhhh I in trouble?"- Millie spoke with a nervous chuckle with a speat dropping from her forehead, thinking that was Kris and she came back for something but to her was Rachel!
Standing still with her cold emotionless face, same as always but Tori's, Kya's and Millie's faces were filled with confusen.

-"I thought you were supposed to patrol most nights, why aren't you at the post?"- Tori spoke up very VERY confused -" Kris came by and told me I didn't need to patrol because you were going to replace me today"- Rachel responded coldly -" WHAT! BUT!-...ok Kristy you son of a bitch...."- Tori whispered but not quiet enough for Rachel to hear..oops -" Don't insult our mother Tori."- Rachel responded with a stoic face while Tori's eyes widened -" What I didn-...oh fuck...sorry.."- Tori apologized to the heavens, while Rachel responded with a simple -"Mhm"- and while Rachel's face stayed stoic Tori's face was red as a tomato fuming from rage..

Why would Kris do that? She knows it's dangerous for others to stay out at night, except for Rachel and Kris at least, Rachel is the only one that's aloud to be out at night, why would she just change her routine? -*How childish can she get?! She knows no one besides Rachel and her-...*- Tori though to herself and sights seeing there is a no way out of it...

Tori turns around to see that Kya already left and Millie was talking to Rachel but as soon as she saw Rachel nod she runs out like her life depended on it going to find her horse named Benny...

Tori sights watching her little baby sister leave, knowing she can't join her this time and then suddenly she....smiles?...-" Looks like I'm dying today!"- Tori exclaimed with fake enthusiasm and Rachel responded with a -"Don't be dramatic T"-"....I hate you so much..."- Tori whispers quiet enough so Rachel didn't hear anything....this time-" Better hurry up T"- Rachel said with a cold face, -"Alright alright I'm going...shit...."- And just like that Tori left for patrol while everyone else went to sleep (except for Millie, Kris and Sasha). End


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