Chapter 3

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Third person POV:
While Sasha and Kris went exploring the caves despite Kris's excitement she didn't mine the ruby...not because she no longer feelt excitement it was because she started to feel lightheaded and her energy suddenly drained as she began getting closer to the ruby.

Kris though it was best to put it aside for now, and she'll mine it when she starts feeling better...and mainly because Sasha forced her to leave it alone until they are ready to go home....

Even tho Kris wasn't suspicious because of what happened already with the ruby...Sasha did...she didn't trust that red glowing gem...not one bit, she didn't like how it made older sister, her best friend sick out of a sudden...she didn't want for Kris to be near that thing but she knows she couldn't say "Hey Kris let's leave that ruby for another time!" Like parents sometimes you that line to give their child false hope..

Sasha knew Kris was stubborn and the fact that she is older than her didn't exactly give her authority to tell her older sister what to do she just had to trust Kris...

Couple hours of pointless mining

-"UGH I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! I have been walking around for 3 HOURS AND NOTHING! Absolutely NOTHING! Come ON cave! Nothing but diorite and fucking gravel, what bad luck is this?!"- Kris yelled in frustration, she didn't understand what was happening! This never happened before! This was very strange for sure...

-" Y'know what? Fuck it I'm going to mine that fucking ruby! I don't care anymore! Even if it makes me sick or even be the DEATH of me!"

- And then again Kris yelled in frustration and went all the way back to the beginning to where she saw the goshforsaken ruby as she called it...this doesn't seem good, not good at all...

Despite energy drain and a spitting headache Kris continued her way up the cave to the surface where she first saw it when Sasha and her came...-" Huh...ok...this headache is doing a reeally good on slowly KILLING MEE!!"- Kris yelled out again but this time out of pain...she was getting so drained but she still kept going and at the same time wondering where is Sasha and what she is doing at the other side of the cave...

-"*I wonder what Sasha is doing..?*"- Kris though to herself and that! My loves! Brings us now to out lovely Sasha<3!

Meanwhile with Sasha on the other side of the cave...

Third person POV with Sasha:

-" Que pasa mamacit- "- Sasha's duologue was cut short...because three zombies and baby zombie appeared before her when she wasn't paying attention....

-"AHHH HIJOS DE PUTA VERDES!! DÓNDE ESTÁ MI ESPADA DÓNTE ESTÁ MI ESPADA?!?!?!"-....yea she only had arrows.....with no bow-" AHH POR FAVOR POR FAVOR DEJE PERRA AYÚMADE!! oh, espera...joder, LO SIENTO MAMÁ!!"

- Sasha yelled on top of her lungs desperate for her older sister to hear her and come to her aid but in return....nothing happened...-" KRIS PUT- AHH MIERDA QUE QUEMA EN PUTAS QUE MADURAS KRIS GIBULO ERES SORDO?! AYUDA!!"-...

*Sasha_smiles:) tried to swim in lava*

Everyone's but Lucy's and Kya's POV:

(Kris kept in touch with Sasha with messages and the last time was 20min ago....)....ya... that's Sasha for ya, good thing is that she didn't have anything important and they have already placed beds near the cave before entering.

Lucky for her, she wouldn't spawn all the way back home and if she did ohhh the walking she would have to do to go back and 'why wouldn't she just use a horse?' some of you may ask and the answer to that is...

Miss girl is dumb as fuck and doesn't know how to tame horses....still....and now the items she would have to that is a pain...big time wasted if you tell me.

Third person POV with Kris:

-"Alright finally here...wuh!"- Kris let out a breath of relief she didn't know she was holding in -"Ok where are you, where are you, you son of a bitch OH- "- She finally spotted it and it was still there..... calling out to her louder than ever, so loud making her head pound, making her headache unbearable I kept getting worse and it was worsening by the second...

But....did she care? she didn't at.all -" *Huff* let's finally get this over with, shall we?"-...

...Come to me my chi-i-i-i-ild....take my know you want NE-E-E-E-E-ED mu-u-u-ust....- "I do....-" Kris held the pickaxe above her head and on the the count of three....just sw

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