Chapter 4

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Now back where we left of!....

As the pickaxe hit the red gem the gem exploded by the most simple touch....and Kris was only a couple centimeters away...oh no...this ain't good...

Then right as it exploded a red gas made of mist hit Sasha across the chest and continued on hitting everything in it's path...

Rocks ended up or destroyed or got a huge crack through the middle it went through it like it wasn't there to begin with.....trees were bent and some snapped in half of how thin they were, flowers where destroyed and many animals....killed.... slaughtered in cold blood...

What was once a nice/cute animal ended in being only meat left behind as a sign of what was once there....what was once alive and thriving is now a piece of meat on the ground waiting to be picked up and eating in seconds....


asha quickly regained her posture since she bent over holding her stomach

But the good thing is that pain was lasting only a couple of seconds but those couple seconds were the most painful seconds of her life....

Then the reality hit her....KRIS!!...

Sasha's POV:
-"* I ran faster than my legs could take me...oh no on no! Kris please PLEASE be ok! I already lost mom I don't need to lose anyone else because of this forsaken server!! Please gods above if you can hear me let her be ok!*"

- I thought and prayed to the gods that my sister, my best friend is ok and then I also realized...the red mist came from the cave....-"FUCK! WHY DID WE PUT THE BEDS SO FAR!?"-

I yelled out of panic and rage..... gods please don't take my sister away from me! PLEASE!.....I finally mad it to the cave and Kris....she was alive!....but different...very!!

Third person POV:
Kris clutched her head while she thought she would feel pain and a massive headache instead she was feeling.....happy? There is nothing to be happy about!

While Kris was still sitting on the ground not noticing her big change...

Her was red as blood on her where it used to be a brown beanie was no longer a knitted hat....but two twisted horns....

Her outfit changed as well, her normal working outfit changed into a beautiful red suit...(she looked great tho!)

Her beautiful green eyes turned fully black, black as the deepest night

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Her beautiful green eyes turned fully black, black as the deepest night....wall to wall black not even a pupil showing...and then there was smt else on her lower behind (bro just say as-)....a tail?!

Sasha saw it all but didn't know how she looked...she was so focused on Kris and making sure she was ok that she didn't notice herself, but right when she was about to take a look at herself she noticed Kris's gaze turned towards her....

....oh god her mouth...her mouth was put into the biggest grin Sasha has ever seen it wasn't a normal grin that you would see on Kris mostly everyday!

This grin...was different.. instead of cute and bought joy to others but this was creepy, crooked...wrong, her lips outstretched abnormally wide, her smile...wide ear to ear and oh gods her teeth...they were so sharp and shiny (imagine like Alastor from hazbin hotel smile with teeth)

they were so sharp and shiny (imagine like Alastor from hazbin hotel smile with teeth)

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It was like you were staring into a face of the devil himself...then out of nowhere Kris started to chuckle then that sinister chuckle turned into laughter and then that laugher turned into a full on maniac laugh...was she?...was she laughing at Sasha? Why would she laugh at her? Did she turn into a clown or something?

....turns out she did...she did a lot...her face....her back...her everything...

-"pft-....mhmhm.....ahahaha....-AHAHAHA- AAAHAHAHAHA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?! AHAHAHA!"- Kris yelled out while dying from laughter....

-"Wh-...what do you mean "What the fuck are you"?... I' aren't I?..."- Sasha nervously chuckled while Kris was still laughing like a complete maniac....rude bit-" What do you mean you're still you?! Have you LOOKED IN THE MIRROR RECENTLY?! AHAHAHAA!!-...BIT-

-"....Kristy... that's kinda rude now....but...I'm still going to look for a lake to see what you are talking about....I'll.... I'll be back in a second..ok?..."

-Ok fine, fine I'll stop.. MOTHERFU-

-"Pft- sure ok ahahahaha!"-"..ok..." Sasha finally left Kris in the cave and went to look for a lake to see what was wrong with her....after a couple of minutes she found a lake, Ok let's see what was wrong with-....her....oh my gods....

She had the same grin as her sister...her eyes, head, face, arms, legs - EVERYTHING on her body was glitching and changing into so many people she didn't even tho but then again it's glitching so fast she can't recognize any body part

The only thing stayed the same was her elf ears that frown on her face with the same sharp and shiny teeth and her....wings.....stayed the same despite her body parts changing rapidly

None of her body parts were the same one second her left arm a zombie arm her right hand a skeleton hand and so so one from monsters to humans from humans to-, gods know what else!

What also stayed was her height.... unfortunately for her...eheh...

Now Sasha knew what Kris meant by "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?! AHAHAHA!"

Tears started to form I Sasha's eyes as she went back to the cave and 'try' talk to Kris about all of this....oh I knew something was bad but did anyone listen? No!

Now Sasha knew what she was....she was monster... End.


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