Extras: Laundry

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Hi everyone! I see that all of you really enjoyed this story, and I'm super happy that y'all liked it! Even though this is already completed, I will be creating extras for this fic bc why not :3 Anyways, have fun reading more about our favorite monkey man!


You grunted as you heavily scrubbed your dirty linens into the pool of water. The sounds of the roaring waterfall drowned out your washing. The pilgrims have been staying at your home for a few days now, so you trusted them that they won't destroy the place while you were gone.

Well, more so Tripitaka, Sha Wujing, and Ao Lie.

Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie were extraordinary in many different aspects. It's just that trouble seems to follow them everywhere they went or they make it themselves, which was a common tendency between them.

You prayed to Buddha that the two rival demons hadn't razed the house to the ground.

A loud rustle made you stop your scrubbing and turn to look at the thick forest, wondering what was behind those leaves and branches. You shook your head and went back to your duties. It must have been the wind or some animals. You have been coming to these woods since you were little, so it was probably nothing.

How wrong you were. As you busied yourself away to your linens, an orange menace slowly prowled towards you.

Closer, and closer, until...

"What's up, peaches!"

You yelled in fright and raised your hand to punch at whoever scared you. "Woah!" Wukong moved his head away from your strike. "You got really good reflexes! If I didn't dodge that sooner, you would have left a mark on me." He teases, his tail going back and forth.

Your mind processed it was just the mischievous Monkey King. You groaned in annoyance. "Wukong! I swear you're going to be the death of me one day!" You hit him on the shoulder and he lets out an 'ow'. You continue your laundry, fiercely cleansing off the stains with your back turned to him.

Wukong pouts at you. "Harsh, much?"

You rolled your eyes. "Okay, I'm sorry. What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were staying with the others?" You then felt a warmth and weight pushed onto your back, as Wukong leaned in comfortably. "Bajie was being annoying again, master and Wujing are way too serious, and Ao Lie was taking a nap." He explains. "It was so boring I thought I was gonna die!"

You snickered at his exaggeration. "Aren't you, like, five times immortal?"

"Seven. Anyways, I thought, what better way to spend the afternoon with (Y/N)?" Wukong nudges you on the side, a smugness dripping from his words. You felt your cheeks flush and scoff a little. "I'm flattered you want to accompany me, but I'm not sure doing laundry is considered fun."

Wukong got up and stared at the dirty linens with a thoughtful look. He puts a finger under his chin. "Yeah, you got that right..." He hums.

But he suddenly got a magnificent idea. And when the Great Sage Equal to Heaven has shenanigans on his mind, it's bound to end in great enjoyment or consequences.

Wukong smirks at your crouching figure. "Washing's not all that fun," He instantaneously swooped you up in his arms, and you yelped in surprise. You looked at him with wide eyes. Your heart sinks when you see the sly glint in his golden eyes. "Wh-What are you doing?!" He only grins back at you. "I'm making this more eventful. Hold your breath, peaches!"

"Wu-AHHH!" You had no time to react as the ginger monkey throws you into the water. A loud and big splash was made the moment your body touches the water, completely submerged. Wukong lets out uncontrollable laughter and rolls on the grassy floor. He gets up and sees the pool calm down, and the waves become slower. "Hope you like swimming! Haha!" He slaps his knee.

Although the water had become more serene, you still haven't come up for air. Wukong's laughter died down, and the amusement on his face leaves. "Peaches? You okay?" He calls out. No response. Wukong's fur bristles in worry. Why weren't you coming up? Had his prank gone too far? "Peaches! (Y/N)!" He yells, his voice now desperate. Oh Buddha, what if you had drowned?!

Wukong immediately treads into the water, not caring if he got wet. You could be in danger! He swashes the water, his eyes frantically searching for you. His breath hitches in fear as hope starts to plummet. "(Y/-!" He gets cut off when something latches onto his waist and drags him down underwater. Wukong panics and wildly looks around the watery environment. He struggles to swim back up to surface, and when he does, he gasps for air and waves his arms in terror.

"Stand up."

The Monkey King stops the moment he hears a familiar voice. He turns around to see...you! Alive, thank the gods. He does as he's told and realizes that his feet can still touch the sandy floor. You laughed hysterically, holding your belly helplessly. Wukong felt his fur flush hotly in embarrassment.

"You screamed like a little girl!" You howled between breaths, tears forming in your eyes and the pain in your stomach grew. Wukong glared at you and his tail twitches agitatedly. He stomps towards you and scolds. "I thought you drowned! Do you have any idea how worried I was?!"

You tried to speak, but bits of laughter and snorts escaped you. "I-I'm s-s-sorry-PFFT-" Your body crumpled and racked with suppressed chuckles. Wukong's frown began to twitch into the beginnings of a smile. You breathed in and out multiple times, before you were finally calm. You regarded the great sage with delight. "You might be the biggest prankster of all time, but I still got a few tricks up my sleeve." You said proudly.

"Alright, reel it in, hotshot." Wukong said. You then took a big wave of water and splashed onto him. He spits out some water and squints at you . "Oh. You are so on." Growling playfully, he splashes you back. You squealed from the thrill and soon enough it became a full on water fight.

Now wet and tired, you and Wukong walked out of the pool. You twisted your hair to squeeze the water out. Wukong on the other hand, shakes off in a frenzied manner. You had to shield yourself from some of the runaway droplets. "Gods, you're like a dog." You joke. He shoots you a pointed look. "Watch it." Suddenly his fur fluffs up in a instant, and you were about to laugh again.

"C'mere you," he grabs you into a headlock and messes up your hair too. You giggle and push him away. "Hey!"

"There. Now we're both even."

The both of you return to your cottage with a basket still filled with half of the linens unwashed. Tripitaka was sitting at the porch cleaning his golden staff, and looks up to see you and monkey.

"Ah, you're back. Wait, why are you all wet?" He asks, noticing your state.

You glance at Wukong with a knowing look. "Your disciple wouldn't let me finish my laundry, and things kind of got out of hand."

Tripitaka gives the great sage a steely look. "Monkey!"

"What? (Y/N) was the one who started the whole thing by dragging me into a deadly underwater fate!" Wukong says, pointing an accusatory finger at you.

"You're just bitter that I tricked you."

"Not going to happen again, I'll make sure of it!"

You and him walked past Tripitaka, still jabbing each other with witty comments. Tripitaka sighed as he watched the pair. You prodded Wukong by the hip, and he curled his tail around your waist, whispering something in your ear that made you chuckle.

Zhu Bajie stands next to Tripitaka. "Those two are pretty close, huh?" He asks. The monk smiles and pats the pig's shoulder. "Oh, yes. I think our dear Sun has found something he loves more than peaches."


(1388 words)

And this is the start of several more! I was watching OSP's JTTW playlist, and found out that Sun isn't great in water so I had to make something of it. I hope I have fed you some quality food for you simps XD. See you all next time!

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