Well Well Well

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Isabella's P.O.V

Wednesday 3:10pm

Myself and the girls were stood in line waiting for Abby to say something. "Yesterday I went to a competition and entered a student. That student is with us now. Can she please step forward" Abby asked. I was nervous enough as it is, I gulped and stepped forward. "This girl here learnt a dance in one day and it was at a winning standard after just a couple of hours. Isabella actually done quite well. She won $150 thousand dollars for the ALDC." Abby smiled and everyone clapped. I looked over at the moms, my mom had a big grin on her face, surprisingly all the moms were, well every mom except Christi. "And also all of you are going to be filming a TV ad for .... 'lyrical dancewear'" Abby revealed. All the girls were squealing, the moms were to. But there's always that pair that no matter how exciting the news is they still got a face like a slapped ass, *cough* Christi and Chloe *cough*. They stood there like someone had just told them that their dog had died. I stepped back in to line. "Abby, I would like to know why my daughter didn't have a dance lesson yesterday." Christi wondered. "I was at a competition with Isabella" Abby said sternly. "BUT THAT IS SO UNFAIR, MY CHLOE FINALLY GETS A SOLO FROM YOU AND YOU CANNOT EVEN BE BOTHERED TO TEACH HER IT" Christi screamed. "Gianna could have taught her the solo Christi it's just you chose not to" Abby argued. "ABBY YOU'RE THE TEACHER YOUR SUPPOSE TO TEACH MY DAUGHTER" Christi shouted. "If it was your kid you'd be saying different" Jill added. "BUT IT NEVER IS MY DAUGHTER JILL, IT WAS ALWAYS MADDIE MADDIE MADDIE. BUT NOW IT'S GOT EVEN WORSE ITS MADDIE ISABELLA MADDIE ISABELLA" Christi complained. "MAYBE IF YOUR CHILD PUT A LOT MORE WORK INTO HER PRACTISING MAYBE SHE COULD COMPETE FOR ME PRIVATLY" Abby confessed. Me and Maddie kept exchanging looks, we both knew this was going to happen and we would end up getting compared to Chloe or another girl. "MY DAUGHTER COMPETES FOR YOU EVERY WEEK ABBY, BUT YOU CAN'T SEE HER BECAUSE SHE'S ALWAYS AT THE BACK" Christi yelled. "IF YOUR DAUGHTER WORKED HARD LIKE ISABELLA OR MADDIE MAYBE SHE WOULD GET SOLOS MOR OFTEN, END OF ARGUMENT" Abby gave Christi daggers. "Get a life" Christi mumbled. "I've got one thanks, I'd say the same to you but I know yours hasn't arrived from Ebay yet" Abby smirked. I tried to hold in my laughter. I took one look at Maddie and we both just bursted out laughing. We quickly shut up and tried to contain our laughter. "Moms upstairs girls start stretching". We ran red with envy over and over until it was perfect. I had a special part in this dance because obviously it was aimed at the fact that the CADC tried to steal me away from the ALDC. So at the end I shout "DON'T BE JEALOUS" because envy means jealous, I think, and they are jealous of us because the ALDC have me and they don't. At the moment I feel like a secret weapon of some sort or something that has been sent from the Heavens.

Ella's P.O.V

"So how was Isabella's performance" Melissa asked me. "She was beautiful, I recorded the performance if you want to see" I said, as I pulled out my phone the moms. I played the video and all the moms commented on how elegant the dance was, all the moms except Christi. "That's what Abby was doing whilst my daughter should have been having a lesson, Ha she was just sat on her lazy ass watching a performance" Christi laughed. "Christi it was one lesson let it go" I said. "But my daughter should have been learning a solo" Christi argued. "Isabella learnt a dance in a couple of hours and won $150 thousand dollars for the ALDC" Jill commented. "And she also won a TV ad for the girls and her" Melissa pointed out. "So if Isabella can do that in a matter of a couple of hours I think Chloe will get someone in a couple of days practise" Holly told Christi truly. "I WISH EVERYONE WOULD STOP COMPARING MY DAUGHTER TO THE OTHER GIRLS" Christi yelled and left. "Well she didn't take that very well did she" Jill giggled. "She's obviously stressed just in case her life from Ebay doesn't arrive" Melissa joked. We all started to giggle like little school girls.

Nia's P.O.V

There was an awkward silence in the dancers den. Nobody was talking, you could hear a pin drop. Maddie broke the silence, "so girls I'm having a huge Halloween party next week, your all invited! There will be most of my friends from my old school, most of us there will be dancers or have started on Broadway. It's going to be great!" "YAY, I can't wait" Kenzi giggled starting to get all excited. "Mack you knew about it anyway" Mads laughed. "What about any cute boys?" I wondered. "Of course, there's going to be past dancers from the ALDC, some of the CADC boys will be there to but that's only because I want to be invited to loads of parties this year, I want to beat Lola from Stars Elite Dancers this year." Maddie explained. Stars Elite was another one of our rivals along with the CADC of course. Lola was Maddie's enemy after Lola stole Maddie's boyfriend Joshua. I honestly think Lola gave Josh a whole lot of money to split up with Maddie. "Anyone else?" Kendall asked. "Some of the really hot boys from Stars Elite will be there as well" Maddie confessed. "It's at the Hills Manor, starts at 7:30 next Thursday" Maddie informed us. The hills manor sounds quite grand for just a Halloween party wouldn't you think, but that's Maddie for you isn't it! "Great can't wait, thanks Mad, text me later" Isabella said leaving. We all left the ALDC after a hard day of dance.

Isabella's P.O.V


I had just finished texting Maddie when a text from a known number popped up. It read "uh hey, is this Isabella?" My first thoughts was this is either a fan or an agency wanting me to do something, but it wouldn't be an agency they would have gone through Abby. "No, who's this?" I texted back. "Oh my names Leonardo, I met Isabella Torez from dance moms a couple of days back and I found this number in my dirty jeans, I thought it might be hers. Sorry I bothered you" The text read. OMG it was that boy from the studio! I instantly texted "Hey, its Isabella Torez I thought you was some fan sorry". "How do I know this is really Isabella?" He asked. "Here's my snapchat ~ isabellatorezxx if my next snapchat on my story is 'Nerds and Wonka BarsJ' then will you believe me?" I wondered. Seconds later I had a notification from my snapchat 'leonardoxmorganx' added you on snapchat. Leonardo Morgan, Isabella Morgan, Mr and Mrs Morgan, What? A girl can dream! I updated my story and quickly got an answer. We talked all night! I actually want to see him again!

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