Chapter 10 ~ Groups, Results and Determanation

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Chloe's P.O.V

Me, Isabella and Maddie enter the dressing room, we had just done our solo and was going to get ready for the group. "Well done girls" the moms cheered and all the others came and hugged us and praised us. "Very well done girls, I'm expecting s clean sweep 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Now everybody get dressed for the group number" Abby told us. We all got ready into our outfits and waited to be called out. "Yes I do, here are our beautiful brides" Abby calls us. We all walk out holding hands to show our costumes. We were wearing, a white cropped top, white booty shorts with a skirt fabric off the bum,kinda like Izzy's booty shorts for her solo, we also had lace garters which we all found a bit uh weird. We also had bouquets as a prop. "Aw Chloe you look like a blushing bride" My mom said hugging me. "Mom I will not be wearing this at my wedding" I joked with her. "Right girls up to the stage" Ms Abby commanded. "Break a leg kiddo" My mom squeezed me. We ran over the dance in the wings before we got called. "And now act number 345, head over heels" The announcer announced. The music started and we walked on to form a vertical line. I had a rush of adrenaline as the lights hit me. I love perfoming! Faces, straight legs, pointed toes, strong arms, high leap, make eye contact with the judges, wow the crowd, these ate all the things that go through my head when i'm dancing. The music faded and I held my position until the music completely stopped. We all got up and gracefully walked off. We all hugged each other when we got off. WE DID AMAZING!!

Maddie's P.O.V

We were sat on the stage waiting for the results, I think I did good in my solo to be honest, the group number was fantastic. "Now ladies and gentlemen its time for the results" the announcer shouted. We all cheered. A few categories passed until they got to ours. "And now the junior elite solo category, in 4th place is act number 75 Megan with Halo, in 3rd place is act number 73 Maddie with Angel" The announcer called. 3RD PLACE, 3RD PLACE WHAT? Well you win some you lose some but I like winning more! I jumped up and collected my award. "2nd place is act number 81 Chloe with Lucky Star, and now is act number 63 Isabella with Sassy" The announcer shouted. Yay for Izzy I hugged them both and we sat down. "And now for the junior elite team" The announcer informed us. Us girls all held hands and squinted our eyes. Aline dance was 4th, Stardbouquetsom 3rd and Craze was 2nd, we have either come 1st or have not placed I thought. "And now the winner is...Act number 345, Head over heels" The announcer shouted. YAY! We got up and claimed our trophie. "Now our last award is overall top scoring, and that number is... ITS ACT NUMBER 345 HEAD OVER HEEELLLSSS" The announcer screamed. We jumped up and grabbed our trophy and smiled. "What school do you dance at?" The announcer asked. "THE ABBY LEE DANCE COMPANYYYYYY" We all shouted into the mic and the crowd roared. "Thank you everybody for coming, bye for now" The announcer waved. The curtains closed and we ran off to the dressing room.

Mackenzie's P.O.V

We rushed in the dressing room screaming and shouting, jumping and leaping. The moms were clapping and Abby was smiling for once! I ran to my mom and she hugged me and told me we did great. "OUR SECOND WIN IN A ROW GIRLS,AFTER 3 ...1...2...3"Abby screamed. "ONE TWO THREE WE'RE ABBY LEE FOUR FIVE SIX YOU SHOULD SEE KICKS SEVEN AND EIGHT WE'RE REALLY GREAT NINE AND TEN WE JUST WON AGAIN!!!!!!" All of us shouted. "Well done girls" Abby praised and hugged us. We all had a group photo and I put it on Instagram and Twitter,'We just won again #ALDCWIN' I typed. We got on the bus home and traveled all the way back to Pittsburg. This competition went great, I can't wait to see where I am on the pyramid tomorrow!

Monday 3:55

Abby's P.O.V

'Hey ladies bring the girls down to the studio NOW!' I sent to Melissa,Christi,Jill and Holly but not Ella. I was at the studio sorting out the pyramid for todays class, I had originally placed Isabella at the top but I moved her straight to the bottom. It's not that she did anything wrong in the group dance and she came 1st in her solo, It's because Gino asked her to join Candy Apples. I know she said no but she could change her mind, unless she really wants to become a star. The moms all texted me back saying 'on our way' or 'be there now'. The girls walked in at 3 o'clock with their moms and they all lined up. The moms were looking around wondering where Ella and Isabella was. "Um Abby where are Ella and Isabella?" Asked Melissa. "I will explain now, girls if you were offered to go to another studio would you?" I questioned. They shook their heads. "And why is that.... Kendall?" I wondered. "Because I want a career in dance" Kendall told me. "Yes exactly, now me, Kendall and Maddie went to the fair last saturday to spy on Isabella and Gino, and what did Gino ask Isabella...Maddie?" I said. "He asked her to join the candy apples" Maddie informed the moms and the girls. I could hear gasps coming from the moms. "So Isabella said yes?" Jill said jumping to conclusions. "Of course not, Isabella turned down the offer and walked away, but how exactly do I know if Isabella is still thinking about that offer. So my plan is, girls your going to have to stay here until 10 every night because of Isabella, and your not going to be happy with that now aren't you, your going to have to completely ignore that girl." I tell them, "and moms just ignore Ella and every time Isabella screws up or doesn't use her faces you have to inform Ella and tell her that she doesn't have what it takes" I say. The moms and girls nod their heads.

Isabella's P.O.V

We arrive at the ALDC and Abby isn't at the desk. Uh odd. I run into the den and there are bags here but the girls aren't. We are on time I thought but where is everyone. I got on my shoes and me and my mom walk through studio A's doors, and the girls were in a line and so were the moms. "Your already late Isabella hurry up" Abby snapped at me. "Ella I told the moms last night on the bus to be here at 3:55 and its 3:05" Abby screamed at my mom. "Oh sorry Abby I completely forgot" My mom said. "At the bottom of the pyramid is...Isabella" Abby looked me dead in the eye and raised her eyebrow, I gulped but she just moved on. "Next is...Mackenzie you need to make your arms stronger, Kendall your next, you need to straighten your legs. Next Nia you ticked all the boxes, Maddie you were 3rd well done but I know you can do better" Abby told the us. "And on the top is Chloe" we all clapped. "You were 2nd Chloe I'm impressed" Abby praised her. "There are give solos this week and one person isn't getting one and that is...Isabella" Abby told me. My heart broke in 3 minutes. I had been pushed to the bottom and now I don't have a solo. I just nodded and took it like a professional. Abby dismissed the moms and we all stretched.

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